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honestly sounds like it should probably be culled... Sucks but its the best thing sometimes. I use the gassing method, its quick and I know I wont mess it up and make them suffer. If it blind and has a deformity it won't be able to eat or drink on its own and will be picked on. :(


In case you don't know what the gassing method is:


I use a rubbermaid storage container that seals air tight ( clear so I can see in to make sure when they are dead and make sure its working)

I make sure its 1. big enough for another smaller container or glass and the chick 2. as small as possible so less gas is more and it works faster.

You want to fit a container that will take up approx half the airtight larger one inside to hold the catalist for gassing.

I use baking soda and white vinigar (just like for volcanoes in science class) it will foam and create carbon dioxide gas very rapidly.

test a couple times to get just the right amount of BS and V so that it foams but doesn't spill over the sides of your container before adding the chick. You are trying to gas it not drown it and vinigar in the nose and eyes burns bad before it would die. I also use a paper towel in the bottom under everything for easy clean out after. Chicks will sometimes deficate after death.


They do gasp a few times then and sometimes thrash a little bit but it takes about 10-15 of the longest seconds of your life the first time you do it...... :( Sorry for being graphic but thought I would offer the info just in case. I was there once the first time I had to do it I had to have my neighbor do it and he tried to break the neck but didn't do it all the way the first time and it had to suffer while he adjusted and tried a second time..... Traumatic for me and I didn't even watch! This is easier to do at leased they don't suffer more than a couple seconds and just go to sleep.....


Good luck! Whatever you decide to do

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