Hi everyone! Ok so I'm a first time chicken raiser, my Grandpa has had chickens on and off for years but this is a first for me. I have what are supposed to be 4 gold sexlink hens but it appears that 2 of them maybe reds....anyways!
Right around 10 weeks one of my girls developed crooked beak almost over night, she seems to be eating and drinking and is super friendly. She already has two deep dish food bowls to eat from and I wet some of her chick feed the other day and gave it to her while the rest of the girls were out in the run. I know I read that some people say to trim the beak, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has some advise for me?
And please don't suggest putting her down, I know that is something that might need to be done eventually if it becomes an issue, but for now that doesn't seem to be where she is at.
I tried to get some pictures of them, it's raining so they aren't exactly thrilled at the moment

And yes that is food under their feet in the next picture, they decided to make a mess since they can't get out today

Scarlett wanted a close up

Right around 10 weeks one of my girls developed crooked beak almost over night, she seems to be eating and drinking and is super friendly. She already has two deep dish food bowls to eat from and I wet some of her chick feed the other day and gave it to her while the rest of the girls were out in the run. I know I read that some people say to trim the beak, but I'm just wondering if anyone else has some advise for me?
And please don't suggest putting her down, I know that is something that might need to be done eventually if it becomes an issue, but for now that doesn't seem to be where she is at.
I tried to get some pictures of them, it's raining so they aren't exactly thrilled at the moment

And yes that is food under their feet in the next picture, they decided to make a mess since they can't get out today
Scarlett wanted a close up