Crop Issue?


In the Brooder
Oct 5, 2020
SE Wisconsin
Hello. I treated my flock for confirmed roundworms and just completed their 5 day dosing of Safeguard yesterday (.23ml/pound goat). One of my hens, who was never showing symptoms of diarrhea prior to deworming, was panting all night. The temperature was about 65 degrees. This morning she did not come out of the coop. Is not lethargic but continues to stand in one spot, is panting and her comb is pale. She would not eat or drink. I brought her inside to isolate and noticed her crop is full and liquidy. No sour smell. I did giver her a very small amount of scrambled egg with a little coconut oil and some monistat just in case; she willingly ate it. I also gently massaged her crop. She still will not drink. Then she pooped a little yellow diarrhea with 2 tiny green pieces of poop. Now she just pooped again, a little less yellow. I have attached a pic of the 2nd poop.
She last laid yesterday. I’m not quite sure what I’m dealing with, especially with all her panting and not drinking. I did mix their worming medication in a small amount of cooked white rice to administer instead of using a syringe. I had never done this before and am wondering if that could have caused a blockage? She was eating and drinking normally yesterday. Any advice is appreciated.
The yellow urates in the poop should be white, so this could be a sign of ascites/water belly, egg yolk peritonitis, or fatty liver disease which is a sign of liver problems. How is her appetite? Does she still lay eggs? Her crop could be slowing or she might have early signs of sour crop. Worms or reproductive issues can increase the abdominal pressure slowing digestion and emptying of the crop. If she has ascites/water belly, then you may want to try draining her belly with an 18 gauge needle inserted under the skin in her lower abdomen to see if you get yellow or amber fluid. Disinfect the skin before inserting the needle. Azygous has a good article about crop problems, which is a good place to start:
Thank you for the response. As I said, she last laid an egg yesterday and had been laying regularly. She does not have ascites. I have had experience with that and she does not have that as of now. She is eating a little scrambled egg with coconut oil which I have given her 3 times this morning; has equaled about a half an egg. Still is not drinking. Thank you for referencing that article on crop issues though I have already referred to it. I am unsure if she has a blockage somewhere so that’s why I’m doing the coconut oil and massaging just in case. She did have 1 tiny solid poop and then more yellow liquid about an hour later.
She continues to pant most of the time. Does not want to drink but will eat bites here and there of eggs or treats. She does not want her feed. She did poop out green and yellow a bit ago (see pic) and almost made a slight squeak when she did so like it hurt a little. Not sure what that means.
Just wanted to give an update for anyone reading this. My girl’s crop continued to be sluggish and would not empty completely. It felt like it was filled with water like she had sour crop, however it never once smelled sour with all of her panting. I had a feeling that wasn’t the issue. She also started having bright green diarrhea. Would not eat or drink. I felt she had a blockage further down her GI tract so I gave her plenty of coconut oil and also docusate sodium. Then I gave her a small amount of Epsom salt in water. She then started drinking some water on her own. After that she had much more green diarrhea and I realized there was shredded grass in it. I believe she was plugged up with the grass. By the 3rd morning she had more energy and seemed to be drinking regularly. I gave her some moistened food and she finally ate. A couple hours later she ate more and started talking to me. Then she started walking towards the door to go outside and I knew she was feeling better. I put her out with her flock and kept an eye on her. She was back to normal other than continued green diarrhea which faded out over the next day. I have kept her in the run and away from grass for another 2 days since I put her back out. I may let her out tomorrow though I am a bit nervous about it. I am just thankful I listened to my gut and treated her for a blockage. She’s a happy healthy girl again.
Glad that she seems to have function of her digestive tract. Are the urates in her poop still yellow? That still could be a sign of something affecting her liver.
Glad that she seems to have function of her digestive tract. Are the urates in her poop still yellow? That still could be a sign of something affecting her liver.
Her urates are white again. Her poop is a normal consistency though is a slightly lighter brown than her normal so I continue to keep a close eye on it.

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