cuckoo pekin bantam


8 Years
Oct 22, 2016

Hi can anyone tell me what sex they think my Cuckoo Pekin Bantam is? I heard an attempt to crow when "it" was about 14 weeks old. He was on his own in a coop away from the other chickens as he was only a baby. Now he is in with the other I haven't heard him crow at all and looking at pictures of the breed he doesn't look at all like a cockerel, he's 21 weeks old now. Confused!!
Hi there and :welcome.
As a breeder of
Gold partridge pekin bantams I can tell you that he is a rooster.
If you can you should keep him as he is beautiful.
Hi Chickengrass thank you for replying, the only reason I was confused is because his comb and wattles are smaller than the cockerels pictures I have seen, but he still makes the alarm call when he sees something fly over but hasn't crowed for weeks, also he's in with a larger pekin bantam cockerel but so far they haven't bothered each other, if anything the other cockerel chases him the same as the girls, I can only assume Percy (cuckoo pekin) is being subordinate as he is very small. I am definitely keeping him because he is the friendliest of all my birds and will happily sit on your hand being stroked and jumps on a knee for fuss as soon as you bend down. He came from the farm next door, he was found in the corner of the barn and his mother wouldn't sit on him so he was put in the brooder with 5 much bigger Swedish Flower Hen chicks who pecked him, I picked him up and his eyes were closing up so the farmers wife said I could take him, I bathed his eyes and 2 days later started opening them properly, it turns out they had dusted the mother with lice powder and it had got in his eyes. but I wouldn't part with him for anything he follows me like a dog.
I am guessing the reason the wattles
In pictures you saw were bigger is probably because
They were older than your rooster.
Here is a picture of my breeding gold partridge pekin bantam
When he was 8 months old at a show.

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Thank you for your help, I would like to possibly find him a girl friend some time. Your rooster looks stunning, such beautiful colours.

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