Curious combo of weird eggs laid in a single day


Jun 12, 2024
Today, 3 of my 4 chickens laid strange eggs, and the combination of types has me confused by what might be going on. Here's who laid what:
  • Chicken #1: Older Araucana, nearing/in henopause, blue egg in the pic. Her egg looks like an egg that was broken and mended in the laying process. She lays rarely at this point, and will commonly produce an elongated egg when she does lay. Really old chicken.
  • Chicken #2: Older Araucana, lays more often, greenish egg w bumps in the pic. Her egg had a normal hard shell, with calcium deposits on it.
  • Chicken #3: Younger chicken, 3-4 yo, don't remember the breed, tan egg in the pic. Laid an egg that looks like it was broken and mended in the laying process, AND without a shell.
weird eggs.jpg

Any thoughts on what's going on? If it was only the 2 mended eggs, I'd think that they may have a calcium deficiency, but then the third egg had excess calcium deposits. Context: Have never seen these chickens lay a mended egg before.

Maybe they're all stressed? The weather got hot this week, and it's extremely dry/lack of rain. They all seemed unsettled today. They also didn't put themselves into their coop this evening, which is also out of pattern.
It could very well be stress. You said they seemed unsettled? Have there been predators hanging around? Anything new near their coop that could worry them? Sometimes things that seem completely normal to us humans can make a chicken's little brain go haywire. The heat could also be a factor, especially if it's warmer in their coop than outside.

Do they have access to oyster shells for extra calcium? Too little calcium could also be a factor, at least for the two with the funky mended shells.
I haven't seen any predators hanging around, but they could still be there. I checked the coop last night and there was no one who didn't belong in it there. They did get a few scoops of scratch 2-3 days ago; they never finished it and it's still on the ground -- also out of pattern. Maybe that attracted someone unwanted. It's near the outside of the coop. Coop is the same temp inside as out.
I haven't seen any predators hanging around, but they could still be there. I checked the coop last night and there was no one who didn't belong in it there. They did get a few scoops of scratch 2-3 days ago; they never finished it and it's still on the ground -- also out of pattern. Maybe that attracted someone unwanted. It's near the outside of the coop. Coop is the same temp inside as out.
I bet that attracted critters for sure. Maybe rats or raccoons?
well, we do live in the city, so yes rats, raccoons, possums.
I bet that’s what’s stressing them out. Although maybe not if you’ve always had them around? But if they’re closer now because of the unfinished scratch then that could be it. Plus the heat.
I agree with what the other posters have said. I do want to add that one day of odd eggs isn’t really that worrisome, and if they’re normal from here on out I would think it was just a one-off thing. Consistently laying weird eggs is a cause for concern however, so let us know what your hens do. 😊

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