Nothing urgent! This is more out of a curiosity thing as I looked around a bit but couldn't find anything that satisfied the said curiosity.
This is an unnamed 6 month old Old English Game Bantam rooster (Lavender colour). I've read that if a rooster bites or shows aggressive behaviour at 3 months, they're growing up to be aggressive.
Also I've read usually by the first year of age that the rooster will exhibit aggressive behaviour due to puberty, but also heard Bantams tend to be much calmer/docile. This guy is VERY calm and lets me pick him up, and will sit on my hand and pet him. In fact he also lets me carry him around the property without kicking or thrashing to be let down.
Would this mean he's likely to grow up to be a calm and docile rooster with this gentle behaviour? Or should I be weary in case he does get aggressive due to hormones? I've helped raise chickens and roosters but never Bantams before, so I'm not sure. I'd assume the same rule follows to Bantams as they're still chickens.
Ps- bonus picture of him as a chick. We don't have any other birds of his breed+colour and was expecting him to be a hen
This is an unnamed 6 month old Old English Game Bantam rooster (Lavender colour). I've read that if a rooster bites or shows aggressive behaviour at 3 months, they're growing up to be aggressive.
Also I've read usually by the first year of age that the rooster will exhibit aggressive behaviour due to puberty, but also heard Bantams tend to be much calmer/docile. This guy is VERY calm and lets me pick him up, and will sit on my hand and pet him. In fact he also lets me carry him around the property without kicking or thrashing to be let down.
Would this mean he's likely to grow up to be a calm and docile rooster with this gentle behaviour? Or should I be weary in case he does get aggressive due to hormones? I've helped raise chickens and roosters but never Bantams before, so I'm not sure. I'd assume the same rule follows to Bantams as they're still chickens.
Ps- bonus picture of him as a chick. We don't have any other birds of his breed+colour and was expecting him to be a hen