Curled toes advice


In the Brooder
Mar 4, 2024
I need any ideas - I now have a second hen get curled toes and trouble walking. I had one get this about a month ago and I supplemented with max dose poultry cell for a couple weeks and she got better.

Now I have another hen with curled toes starting a couple days ago on her one foot - lameness seems worse tonight - and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with nutrition. They are out on grass in their very large run. They get free choice chick feed that I am transitioning over to an adult feed this week as they all started laying recently (23 weeks). They have free choice calcium and grit. Fresh water that I sometimes add some drench too if we have a hot spell.

Any advice is appreciated!
What feed are you using, and what other things are they eating? A balanced layer or all flock feed is best for her. Can you get some B complex tablets and crush 1/2 tablet daily into some egg or give the 1/2 tablet directly into her beak daily? Was she vaccinated for Mareks?
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She is on Purina feed. I'll get the all flock feed they make tomorrow and start transitioning them asap. I have B complex capsules that I can open and add to some scrambled eggs is there a dose for the b-complex or is it a standard dose per capsule/tablet? Thank you! And yes all chicks were vaccinated by Meyers.
1/4 to 1/2 tablet or capsule of b complex is good, but any excess will be excreted by the kidneys. The chick feed is pretty much equal to an all flock feed, just smaller.
I've had success with adding calcium gluconate to drinking water, or since it is hot here now I wouldn't add it to entire water jug but rather give some directly to hen, mixed with water in oral syringe, & giving vitamin B & selenium tablets, usually cut in half or quarter. Sometimes, the curled toes or lameness is just a deficiency, or it could be something else going on. Giving vitamins is not going to hurt though, so that's usually what I try.

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