Daily poultry pics theme party!!! Wednesday August 7th 2024.

Golden Comet Mama

More than half to being an actual chicken!!! 🐓
Premium Feather Member
Jul 9, 2024
Hello friends this is my Daily poultry theme party!!! 🥳 🎉 ✨💗 💕 💖

Ok so what will be happening is every day I will post a new thread each with its own theme! You will enter photos of your poultry of whatever kind for whatever the theme is that day!!

It is Wednesday. Wattle Wednesday!!!!! Show pics of your poultrys wattles!!!


There are 2 rules.

1.There are no limits!!

2.Have fun!!!

Please enjoy!! 😉
My slightly Wattle-less hen, Opal
I don't have many with actual wattles, nor do I have great pictures right now.

So I'll just watch, & wait for the next one.

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