Dark rouen ducks-- GENDER


In the Brooder
Jun 1, 2016




Hello, BYC, me again.

I have three dark rouen ducks, and there has always been one a little bit smaller. Now that they're devoloping feathers, it doesn't yet have the white stripe on it's wing that the others do. Could this possible be a sign of gender? Or is the only way to tell gender by waiting until they're old enough that the males have the green feathered necks?

Too young to tell,unless you vent sex them which I believe is dangerous..You must wait till they fill out and grow feathers and get their voices.males have curls,and make a raspy type sound,girls quack,and have no tail,and usually do not have very many colors as the boys.
You should be able to tell by the voices. Between 4 and 6 weeks the voices start to change from the baby peeping to the adult voices. The hens will quack and the drakes will make a raspy, frog-like noise. Try picking them up individually to get them to make noise if you can't tell who is making what sound. Sometimes it is hard to tell when they are all running around together.
In a
You should be able to tell by the voices. Between 4 and 6 weeks the voices start to change from the baby peeping to the adult voices. The hens will quack and the drakes will make a raspy, frog-like noise. Try picking them up individually to get them to make noise if you can't tell who is making what sound. Sometimes it is hard to tell when they are all running around together.
In addition to this, the young drakes will develop a green bill before they moult into their breeding plumage. They will look like a hen with green bills and a raspy call.

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