Day 2: Chickens Attacking, HELP!

Do you have anyone taking care of them while you're gone?

If so, since you won't be around to know who is attacking whom, I'd pull out the instigators and victims and pen up together who you can separate from the rest. There is no fix for this when you're not around so separation is for their safety.

If nobody is caring for them, then I'd secure a couple of waterers to the pen so they can't tip them over. The same with extra feeders. Be sure there's a box or something for them to sleep at night and get out of the elements.

If you have no such pen, look on Marketplace for a pet pen for your area. There's bound to be a couple.
We put out extra feeders, waterers, and spaces for her to hide. Comb is looking much better, but she’s acting skittish around them. No attacks since Tuesday thankfully, just slight aggression if she gets too close. We do have someone coming to check over the weekend. Thank you for the help!!
Sounds like you have lots of room but yes clutter can help provide hiding places as well as give them something to do to alleviate boredom, which can be a contributor to behavioral issues. Plenty of examples here:
We added a pallet in there to try and clutter it up a bit. It’s in a space where the one getting attacked can’t get cornered or anything like that. It’s been much better these past few days, she’s just real skittish around the rest of the flock. No attacks, but some aggression when she gets close to any of them. Hopefully the higher protein and clutter can help. Thank you for the help!!
All good advice so far! I agree that the diet is an issue here too; go to an all flock feed, 20% protein, leave out the scratch and mealworms at least for now. Check the mill date on each bag! We feed within two months of the mill date.
Sometimes chickens act like little velociraptors! We quit getting hatchery RIRs or red sex-links because many of them were 'difficult' with their flockmates, sadly.
We started them on high protein food today! It was better today, she was just skittish around the rest of them. Gonna try and see if clutter and a different diet helps, then hopefully boost her confidence. Thank you for the help!!

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