Day old chicks eating and drinking question


Mar 24, 2024
Hello all, well I got my first chics today!!. Ohmygosh I’m so happy lol lol!!. Anyway, I went and picked them up they are brand new babies! They are all very active and so cute. But, two of them are eating and drinking. Two are only wanting to stay under the brooding plate. I’ve taken them all out dipped their beaks in the water dish and I also have another waterer with the chic nipple on the waterer. I’ve showed them all both waters dipped beaks. The buff Orp and the Brahma chic are drinking and now eating. The black asta pullet and the Jersey giant roo are just not wanting to eat or drink yet….. so, am I just being a worry wort?. I honestly don’t like that I can’t see them under the brooder plate. And it seems the two black chics are hiding under there. I’m wondering if I should just use a heat lamp and see if it was warmer in their brooder if they’d come out???. Or should I use the warming plate on the floor of brooder and put the food on it??. Sorry this is long. I’m just concerned and want to be sure they get the best start!!. Thanks so much for the advice!!.
Chicks don’t usually eat their first 3 or so days as they absorb the yolk sac for nutrients. So those chicks could just not be hungry. I wouldn’t worry too much but I would start worrying if they don’t eat in another day or two.
Depending on the hatchery "day old" chicks might be a few days old, in which case the yolk would be totally absorbed by now. You could try offering them a bit of scrambled egg to encourage their appetite.
Chicks don’t usually eat their first 3 or so days as they absorb the yolk sac for nutrients. So those chicks could just not be hungry. I wouldn’t worry too much but I would start worrying if they don’t eat in another day or two.
Thank you so much, well I guess I just needed to post. Lol as I lifted the brooder plate brought them all back out and all of them drank some and ate a some. Some more than others. But, I feel much better. The two yellow chics do seem to possibly be a day older than the 2black chicks. Thanks again so much for your kind response!
Thank you so much!!. They are now eating and drinking. I guess I just needed to post. lol lol.
Congratulations on your new babies! Enjoy them! This year is the first time I ever lost a chick. She seemed real lethargic and sleepy and was sticking her legs out in front of her. Poor baby did not live through the night. I know they had quite a trip. From Ohio all the way to California. My others made the trip just fine but this little buff she didn't fare well. I was devastated. Sometimes this happens but it Sounds like your babies are doing great. I don't think there is anything you need to worry about with yours. Enjoy your new babies!

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