Dead leg? What can I do?


In the Brooder
Oct 11, 2024
Hello! I have a 5 month old Midnight Majesty Maran who seems to have lost complete use of her left leg. One afternoon she just started limping on it. Then she continued limping on it the next day and was laying around a lot, so I separated her from the flock and brought her inside. Gave her an Epsom Salt bath. No signs of injury, bumblefoot, scaley leg mites, or worms. Now she is not using that leg at all. It just lays behind her. I've started giving her poultry cell and B12. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything I can do for her? She is so sweet and I hate seeing her like this! Thank you for any input. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find an avian vet near me!
Welcome to BYC. Mareks disease could be one possible reason at her age. Injury could also cause nerve damage to a leg. Do you have a cockerel or rooster who could never injured her trying to mate, or do you have very high roosts? I would place her in a pen or wire dog crate with food and water near the other chickens. Make sure that she can reach her food and water, and help her to get enough. Human b complex tablets can also be used in place of b12 and poultry cell, and those have all of the b vitamins. 1/4-1/2 tablet daily can be given orally or crushed in her food. Chicken sling chairs can also be used with a lame chicken if they tolerate them. Here are examples including posts 5, 11-14:

Welcome to BYC. Mareks disease could be one possible reason at her age. Injury could also cause nerve damage to a leg. Do you have a cockerel or rooster who could never injured her trying to mate, or do you have very high roosts? I would place her in a pen or wire dog crate with food and water near the other chickens. Make sure that she can reach her food and water, and help her to get enough. Human b complex tablets can also be used in place of b12 and poultry cell, and those have all of the b vitamins. 1/4-1/2 tablet daily can be given orally or crushed in her food. Chicken sling chairs can also be used with a lame chicken if they tolerate them. Here are examples including posts 5, 11-14:

Thank you for your quick response! I do have high roosts. The roosters haven't tried mounting the younger hens yet, her included. I've read about Marek's, but didn't think it could be that since I got these chicks from Rural King and I believe they are vaccinated. I currently have her inside, but can move her back into the coop in a wire crate like you've suggested. I'll also get some vitamin B complex today. That sling looks fantastic! I think she'd really like/appreciate that. Thank you again!!!
I have never known feed stores to sell vaccinate chicks for Mareks unless you ordered them and paid extra. Hopefully, it is an injury that she will recover from. Look for any green bruising, swelling, or cut along the entire leg up into the feathers, and also for any scabs on foot pad. Let us know if she has any additional symptoms that might point to Mareks.
I have never known feed stores to sell vaccinate chicks for Mareks unless you ordered them and paid extra. Hopefully, it is an injury that she will recover from. Look for any green bruising, swelling, or cut along the entire leg up into the feathers, and also for any scabs on foot pad. Let us know if she has any additional symptoms that might point to Mareks.
Thank you for your response! So far the only symptom is her not using her leg. No visible issues on the leg or other symptoms of Marek's. She eats and drinks on her own. I believe a friend told me before that the chicks at Rural King are vaccinated and I just called the one I got her from which verified their chicks are vaccinated. If that info is accurate. Here is an image of her leg, you may see something I don't. Thanks again!


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