Dead Turkey Poult?

I’ve got 4 broad breasted white turkey poults. Checked them last night and one out of the four was laying in the corner of the coop, all puffed up. Got it to stand up and it shuffled around with its neck tucked in which is weird cuz they don’t walk like that. I knew something was up but didn’t know what. All it wanted to do was lay down. I thought maybe enflamed leg joints but they were fine. The turkey would even resist and kick out with no hesitation. I had a feeling it wouldn’t make it through the night. I was right. Found it underneath the other three, they were huddled around it. I picked it up and examined it and there was blood coming out of the mouth. Not sure what caused it. Looking for answers so the rest don’t end up like that. Thanks very much for any responses.
I’ve got 4 broad breasted white turkey poults. Checked them last night and one out of the four was laying in the corner of the coop, all puffed up. Got it to stand up and it shuffled around with its neck tucked in which is weird cuz they don’t walk like that. I knew something was up but didn’t know what. All it wanted to do was lay down. I thought maybe enflamed leg joints but they were fine. The turkey would even resist and kick out with no hesitation. I had a feeling it wouldn’t make it through the night. I was right. Found it underneath the other three, they were huddled around it. I picked it up and examined it and there was blood coming out of the mouth. Not sure what caused it. Looking for answers so the rest don’t end up like that. Thanks very much for any responses.
My first thought is they were too cold. What is the temperature at the bedding level.
My first thought is they were too cold. What is the temperature at the bedding level.
They are fully feathered and are outside. The temperature outside hasn’t been as high lately, barely hitting mid fifties and drops to around 30 at night. They have a fully enclosed coop and they keep warm. The other three are active, very playful, and act normally. I’d say they were roughly a week old when I got them March 19. They are huge now already, probably hitting close to around 7-8 lbs.

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