Dealing with clingy chicks


Aug 22, 2024
Any tips for clingy chicks?

I have three ten day old silkies and I have been handling them daily to get them used to me. They love snuggling in my neck with a big fluffy jumper.

However the last two days they have been going crazy for me, almost screeching for me to pick them up and cuddle them. I have been happy to because they’re so darn cute, but now I don’t want to encourage it for their own wellbeing.

I’ll still hold them but I don’t want to go to them whenever they kick off and reinforce the behaviour.

Their brooder is 33.6°c right now and they have fresh food, water, a dust bath and even a teddy in there. So they’re not unhappy with the environment, I think they just want me.

Appreciate any tips or advice!!!
When they start peeping, try not to hold them... even though its tempting....Because they might possibly learn that peeping = you holding them. So only pick them up when they are not asking so that they learn that they can't always get their way by cheeping.
When they start peeping, try not to hold them... even though its tempting....Because they might possibly learn that peeping = you holding them. So only pick them up when they are not asking so that they learn that they can't always get their way by cheeping.
Thanks, I’ve been doing exactly this. They screech for 5 mins or so and then let it go. It’s so cute that they love me but they were flinging themselves the brooder wall trying to get to me and I don’t want them to get hurt! I’ll just carry on as I have been and hope for the best! lol

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