Decided to finally post... Not sure (first time owner)


Sep 13, 2018
So I'm on week 6 of chickens. I have 11. Four breeds in total. All are doing well except my two Wellsummers.

All chickens are outside in the coop now with a heat lamp still available to them. My Wellsummers seem to just plop down and lay on the coop floor a lot. Sometimes under the lamp, other times not so much. All other chickens are utilizing the roost bars at least every now and then.

One Wellsummer is significantly underfeathered and small compared to the other chickens. This would normally be something I wouldn't care about (I just assume a runt). She's honestly the reason a heat lamp is still available to the chickens.

I have noticed that both of the Wellsummers walk a little funny, I will take a video if it's needed. But the small one almost seems labored when she walks. Sort of like hip dysplagia in dogs. There are no visible sores, cuts or discharges from the chicken. She eats and drinks fine. She is however, very under feathered.

I'm posting this as a starting point. What should I check when I get home? I only posted this to ensure it's not something that could get passed onto my other girls. They are all completely feathered and doing great.

Ask for any information you need.

They are from Meyer Hatchery. The white balance on my phone is a little off. Posting videos of her walking in a few


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For video upload to youtube or similar platform then provide us a link.

Also tell us more about what you feed, including treats and a couple of photos of the birds standing up and of their poop would be good too:D

Welcome To BYC!:welcome
As far as food goes. They are on Dumor chick feed. I don't remember specifically what it's called, but they have been on that since day 1. They have Manna chick grit available to them 24/7 and have since week 2.

"Treats" only started this week (6 weeks old). So far they've only had spinach leaves, carrot and potato peels.
Also, I could maybe get some poop pictures for you when I get home, but I'd have to segregate them to ensure it's their poop. I might be able to do that as I'm working on the run today when I get home.
What do the hocks look like?
Since BOTH are presenting with similar "symptoms", they are the same breed and no one else is having problems, I would lean toward this being a genetic defect.

Now...if they were mine I would get them on B2 Riboflavin. You can use human B-Complex vitamins. 1/2tablet each chick for a week, see if that makes a difference.

I would still be interesting in the poop and seeing how the legs look while they are standing up (I know, hard to do with moving chicks). Are the legs bowed at all? Looks like they standing with a wide stance.
I also spoke with the Hatchery where I got them. They suggested moving them off of Dumor and moving them to Purena or Nutrien? (spelling could be bad on all those).

As well as giving them molasses water or sav-a-chick.

I wont be home for another 4 hours, but I'll take a picture of the hock and of them standing as best I can.

They do have a wide stance, but I don't remember them being bowed.

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