Decomposed Granite in run?

Jun 26, 2019
I am at my wits end with using sand in my run, mostly because I can't seem to find a water system that doesn't leak or the chickens don't knock over! Any suggestions on that would be great!

I went to the quarry today and they suggested decomposed granite. Has anyone tried this? I'm brad new to this site and not sure how to find out information. Thanks in advance!
I went to the quarry today and they suggested decomposed granite. Has anyone tried this?
That's not going to be much different than using sand.
Knowing more about your run, dimensions and pics, would help garner viable suggestions.

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Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @nutsaboutchickensandgoats
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Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
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It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
Aart is right, the more we know about your specific set-up the more we can tailor our responses to your unique situation. In addition to general location and size of the run, how many chickens do you have so we can know chicken density? Is the area shaded?

I use something like this for water in my brooder, grow-out coop, and run. Cut a hole in a piece of plywood or siding to fit a bowl and raise it enough so the bowl does not tip when a big chicken stands on it. Make the surface big enough the chickens can walk on it and raise it up high enough that they cannot scratch trash or bedding into it. If there are baby chicks I fill it with rocks so they can walk on that instead of falling in and drowning. In winter I use a black rubber bowl in the sun to help keep water thawed and a rubber bowl will not break when you knock the ice out of it. In summer I use a white bowl in the shade to keep it cooler. They will poop in it so you need to dump it daily and refill it. Dumping it also keeps the mosquito larva from developing. I don't know how suitable this is for you but it doesn't leak. There are lots of other ways to water them. I don't know which you have tried.

Grow out Water.JPG

I'm not sure what your issues are with the run. In general if water drains away from your run you will be OK. If water collects in your run there is a real likelihood of issues. What are your issues and how well does it drain?

Chickens poop. If it stays dry it's generally not an issue. If it stays wet it stinks. The more chickens you have in a small area the more it builds up. Some people with a fairly high chicken density like sand because they can use a scoop and remove chunks of poop. If the sand is set up so it can drain it stays fairly dry on wet weather and keeps the run from getting muddy in wet weather. If you dig a hole in clay that does not drain and fill it with sand you have a bathtub filled with sand, water, and poop and it will probably stink. Some people really love sand, for some people it is a bad choice.

If your run is high enough that it can drain that decomposed granite might be a decent choice. If it is weathered it may be smooth. If it has sharp edges I would not use it as i'd be concerned they might cut their feet when scratching. The pieces might be big enough that if you ever have to shovel it out that might be difficult. Pieces the size of sand are easier to shovel. Without knowing a lot more about your run I'd be reluctant to blindly say it is a good or bad idea.
WOW! Thank you both so much for your help. I'm going to take a few pictures and post them! I have 12 chickens in this coop and two ducks. The ducks make the most mess. I use sand inside the coop and scoop it daily and there's not a single fly. The run is just a disaster due to the water issue. There is no drainage whatsoever so it is a bathtub of muddy, smelly sand (I've since been removing it). I believe if I could get the waterer situation fixed, then the sand would be best. I will see if I can get someone to make the same type of setup you have (I'm not handy).
That's not going to be much different than using sand.
Knowing more about your run, dimensions and pics, would help garner viable suggestions.

Here's some guides to navigating the site:

Oh, and....Welcome to BYC! @nutsaboutchickensandgoats
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, (laptop version shown), then it's always there!
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Thank you so much for the welcome and advice! I am in Loomis, Ca!
WOW! Thank you both so much for your help. I'm going to take a few pictures and post them! I have 12 chickens in this coop and two ducks. The ducks make the most mess. I use sand inside the coop and scoop it daily and there's not a single fly. The run is just a disaster due to the water issue. There is no drainage whatsoever so it is a bathtub of muddy, smelly sand (I've since been removing it). I believe if I could get the waterer situation fixed, then the sand would be best. I will see if I can get someone to make the same type of setup you have (I'm not handy).
The ducks in with the chickens might be your problem -- do you have a way to give the ducks a space of their own, with a big water pool that they can't tip, like a kiddie pool? They will get in it and the water will turn black, but it won't be full of all the chicken's poop, too. You can set it up somewhere you can dump it on the lawn, maybe? Standing puddles with heat and no drainage will cause problems. Ducks can make your lawn green, if you only have 2!

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