Deformed beak or scab??


7 Years
Jun 25, 2013
South Carolina
My hatchery chick is almost 10 weeks old. This deformity or whatever it is has just become noticeable in the last week or two. At first, I thought it was dirt stuck to her. Today I tried to wipe it off, but it is hard and I was afraid to hurt her. Is it a scab? Or a growth? Is there something I should do or is it ok to wait and see what happens? My poor baby.
This could be a virus, but more than likely where the chick injured the top of it's beak on something sharp--a waterer, feeder, or fencing--and it has formed into a scar that may eventually fall off. If you do a search at the top of the page for "wart or sore on beak" you will find many similar-looking lesions, some light and some dark-colored. Most don't have outcomes, but some report they fell off.

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