
Sep 30, 2023
Hey guys! I bought some eggs off of eBay. This is my first time doing this. I just wanted some hens in my flock that I could only seem to find there.

They said they were going to get here Friday. But I’m fairly sure they lost the package.
It spent 4 days in the shipping area and now another 4 days “moving through to next facility”

So we are at 8 days….

I wanted to place a claim. But since they are eggs hatching or not would they throw them away? Or.

I’m just nervous on viability. And I also need to know what I should do? Just fill out the list mail form? Or put in my package protection claim. These eggs shipped priority.

I’m hoping for reassurance or advice. I’m just bummed a bit.
Ah, yes. Priority Mail. I know it well! ☺️

I've ordered eggs off eBay before with no issues but the story you tell about them being stuck in a processing center happened to me three times. Once on eggs I sold to a lady in NY, and twice on two different shipments from breeders in two different states, and all three "missing" batches were stuck in the same processing center. I reviewed that processing center on Google and put that they should change their name to The Bermuda Triangle.

You can call or go into the P.O. with your tracking number and sometimes they get better info than we do off the tracking number.

Otherwise, there's not a thing we can do about it. They say 1-3 business days, but I've never gotten them in less than 4 days. Most of the time it's 5-6 days. Once it was nearly two weeks. The only way we could file a claim is if they are shipped Express as that's guaranteed, and that's I believe triple the price to ship vs. Priority. So instead of $18, it'd be around $60.

I'm sure they'll show up, and when they do, I'd go ahead and sit them in egg cartons pointy side down for at least 12 hours and better if you could do 24. Your viability went down due to age and having them mistreated by the USPS handlers, but you'll still most likely hatch a few.
I got hatched 6/8 quail eggs that were 8 days in the mail, a third of them were smashed, and it was my first time hatching anything! Miracles do happen, if and when they come go ahead and set them and see what happens. My next order came in 2 days with nothing smashed and I hatched 24/28 and had more quail than I knew what to do with! Always try again!
Well guys I hope this is a miracle. Bc I love these eggs. The person who sold them to me said she would send more if the hatch rate was bad. But I didn’t want to do that to her and had hoped the post office would take the “Hatching eggs” sign on my mix seriously

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