Denver - Rehoming flock & supplies


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2022
Seeking to rehome five 2-year old chickens (2 Easter eggers, 3 Bielefelders) in the Denver area to a good home and will provide all supplies - including two large waterers (one metal incl. an electric heater for winter and a plastic one for summer), coop warming panel, two automatic coop doors, one large metal feeder, toys, coop (if you can pick up with a truck), and a chicken tunnel which was recently purchased to allow them to safely roam the yard.

They lay large eggs consistently and are a joy to have around, but are unfortunately creating too much noise for my neighbors with their sassy egg songs. I’d love to re-home them to someone who lives in a slightly more rural area and can facilitate the process to make it as easy as possible!
I know… I’ve been trying the egg bribery for a while now
Im having to rehome my entire flock as well. It’s such a heartbreaking thing for me! These girls(and boy), are my pets more than anything else. I call them my little therapists; I’ve gained a lot of insight and healthy meditation hours just hanging out with them in the backyard.
— Our rooster, Sassafras, is a complete Gentleman! I’ve seriously never met a better Roo, than this guy. I thought he was a sweet little Pullet for the longest time; he never pecked anyone. I mean, never!
— Then, he all the sudden got his boy hormones and grew this bright Comb virtually overnight, along with Streamer feathers… LOL!😉
I had 💭 thought, Oh No, here comes Rooberty, but it wasn’t bad at all, he remained a good boy for us; still has never attacked us or has been rough with a Hen.

I’m having to Régine because we’re moving to France!!! 🇫🇷 Now, that’s super exciting, of course. We’re retired now, the Hubs and I, so it’s our time and we want to go live somewhere else.

— I cannot express how hard this is tho!!… Re-homing these beautifully amazing, surprisingly caring, intellectual creatures that have sneakily become my closest of companions, friends, and like I said above “little therapists”!
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hello! Are you still needing to revoke your chickens? If so my family would be interested! We live about an hour north of Denver

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