
In the Brooder
Apr 15, 2019
Okay so i’ve got a bit of weird one.

So i had originally, in one pen, 1 mallard drake and 2 Pekin drakes. And in the other pen 3 Pekin females and 1 Black Swedish drake (all of these are young ducks i just didn’t want to put them in with all the males cause that’s a lot of testosterone, you know?).

I decided to give my 2 Pekin drakes to a breeder, so that I could put all my ducks into the same yard. Only one issue. It seems that my Black Swedish isn’t fairing too well. He was always relatively quiet and, not like any duck i’ve ever seen, kinda liked to keep to himself. But now that he has competition it has gotten so much worse!! He has been hiding in corners and not eating or drinking with the others. He has no apparent signs of illness or injury.

What do I do?? He has always been an odd duck but he seems so sad? He doesn’t even hang out with his sisters anymore.
Sounds like either the Mallard drake is picking on your blk Swedish or he is sick. Have you been making sure he isn’t being bullied from not eating? They can hide illness so well that they can be near dead before we notice. What does his poop look like pics will help and pick him up and feel his body weight. Maybe try giving him so poultry vitamins in his water .
Sounds like either the Mallard drake is picking on your blk Swedish or he is sick. Have you been making sure he isn’t being bullied from not eating? They can hide illness so well that they can be near dead before we notice. What does his poop look like pics will help and pick him up and feel his body weight. Maybe try giving him so poultry vitamins in his water .
it’s hard to tell which poop is his but there has never been any poop that looks odd or worrying. I will stop by today and get some vitamins though. Hopefully it’ll add a little pep to his step. Also we just picked him up the other day and he is just as heavy as the rest :/
Hopefully the vitamins will make a difference :)
What's the age difference in the two Drakes?
About 8 months if it had to guess. My Swedish is much larger however. He was always kind of a loner (which I know is really weird for ducks so i’ve kept my eye on him), but now he’s alone 24/7. He even put himself in the corner yesterday. I’ll post pictures soon.
About 8 months if it had to guess. My Swedish is much larger however. He was always kind of a loner (which I know is really weird for ducks so i’ve kept my eye on him), but now he’s alone 24/7. He even put himself in the corner yesterday. I’ll post pictures soon.
Size doesn't Matter..Age and hormones do. He is young and intimidated by the older Drake. He will figure himself out with age.
He may not be fine if this has been going on even when the other drake wasn't in with him. Didn't you say he was in with 2 females till you just recently gave up 2 Pekin drakes then you combined your flock together? Def pick up some poultry Nutri drench it's really great for giving a boost. I hope he will be fine but we can't with confidence say that he will be if this has been on going. Now a vet could possibly examine him and tell if he is sick or just being submissive.
Welcome to BYC and sorry your duck isn't feeling well. Would it be possible for you to post a picture of his poop? I ask because if he is healthy it will look like healthy duck poop. If the poop doesn't look normal, it almost certainly means he is sick.

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