Dewormer for chicken in molt

The Welch Chickens

Premium Feather Member
Mar 18, 2023
Rhode Island
Our hen is going through a hard molt since late November. She was walking crooked when we first took her in the house to recover, and has since been living in the basement on and off when the weather is extremely cold/windy or she looks weak. She seems happy and relatively perky both when in her cage and out with the flock. Her pin feathers are just starting to "bloom" open.

I am worried because her poops have been green and abnormal this whole time and her body/walking still gets weak when outside. She looks thinner (maybe because of the molt?) too.
I would like to give the flock a (preventative/"just to be safe") dose of dewormer, but they are all molting. Is this Panacur equine paste okay to use? I've never dewormed before and have no first-hand knowledge on the subject, so please fill me in on what treatments (if it can be called that) would work. Thanks in advance.
I would not use Panacur or SafeGuard which are fenbendazole, since there have been some reports of feathers growing in weird. Valbazen is very safe 1/2 ml orally to each chicken, and then repeat it in 10 days.
I would not use Panacur or SafeGuard which are fenbendazole, since there have been some reports of feathers growing in weird. Valbazen is very safe 1/2 ml orally to each chicken, and then repeat it in 10 days.
Are there any other options besides Valbazen? (I do have access to it, but the price is high)
Yes, the price is always a bit high for most people. When I first bought it, there were 500 ml, 1000 doses for. 4-6 pound chicken. I found a site recently that sold a small amount (from an opened container, not the best method,) for half as much, but not a good deal. I share with with others. It has to be shaken well, and lasts for a couple of years. I used mine longer than that. You could always wait until your chickens finish molting and then use the Panacur.
You could always wait until your chickens finish molting and then use the Panacur.
They are just finishing up their molt, so I wouldn’t have to wait long.

Here is the hen in question…I caged her again Thursday to give her some B complex for continued walking issues. I’m not positive she has worms, but her droppings are green and have been for a while. She’s looking pretty skinny but it might just be from feather loss—thoughts? Again, I’ve never experienced worms so I wouldn’t know.

She’s always had minor health issues (all our Wyandottes have so far…not good quality I suppose 🙄)

She’s been through two egg bindings and a crop issue, but she’s a pretty strong spirited little lady—I hope she survives this!

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