Did I OD my chicks on electrolytes? Coccidiosis? Respiratory infection?


Mar 24, 2024
Hi, I’m new here and am a new chick mom. I got 6 chicks from farm and home a little over a week ago. When I picked them up there was a girl helping me just giving me the basic “how to” raise chicks. She gave me save-a-chick electrolyte packs and said to mix it in a gallon jug and give it to them everyday. I also started off with an organic non medicated feed. Well about 3 days ago, I went to greet my baby chicks in the morning and one of my little bantams was pecking at her butt. I picked her up and she was missing all the feathers around her vent and there was a little blood that looked like it may have been coming out of her vent. I immediately set up a separate brooder for her, put stuffed animals in it and made sure she was eating and drinking. The next morning when I checked on her she was seeming to do better, I was putting peck no more on her butt so she didn’t seem to be pecking. I put my other little bantam in with her because she seemed lonely. But in the other brooder with the rest of the chicks, there was bloody poop. I went to my local feed store and they said to start giving them all medicated feed and keep giving them electrolytes and add probiotics. So I did that, made sure everything was clean but then yesterday and today all of the chicks in the other brooder are sneezing and gurgling and there was more bloody poop. I’m so stupid and just never realized that they also need plain water and a separate electrolyte water. I took out the electrolyte water and gave them all regular water and they’re taking to it. So I don’t know if they have too much electrolytes, coccidiosis, or a respiratory infection. They all seem to be happy and playful, running about and scratching and being very silly. The two little bantams in the separate brooder seem stressed and just want to snuggle under their heat plate. They’re so little so I feel like they want to be warmer. I have them in a 4ftx4ft brooder and the little ones in a 2x4ft brooder. I sent my boyfriend to tractor supply to get corrid. I’m just so lost and confused. I added a photo of the bloody poop in the brooder with the rest of the chicks. I have not seen any bloody poop in the bantams brooder since I moved her in there.


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Hi, I’m new here and am a new chick mom. I got 6 chicks from farm and home a little over a week ago. When I picked them up there was a girl helping me just giving me the basic “how to” raise chicks. She gave me save-a-chick electrolyte packs and said to mix it in a gallon jug and give it to them everyday. I also started off with an organic non medicated feed. Well about 3 days ago, I went to greet my baby chicks in the morning and one of my little bantams was pecking at her butt. I picked her up and she was missing all the feathers around her vent and there was a little blood that looked like it may have been coming out of her vent. I immediately set up a separate brooder for her, put stuffed animals in it and made sure she was eating and drinking. The next morning when I checked on her she was seeming to do better, I was putting peck no more on her butt so she didn’t seem to be pecking. I put my other little bantam in with her because she seemed lonely. But in the other brooder with the rest of the chicks, there was bloody poop. I went to my local feed store and they said to start giving them all medicated feed and keep giving them electrolytes and add probiotics. So I did that, made sure everything was clean but then yesterday and today all of the chicks in the other brooder are sneezing and gurgling and there was more bloody poop. I’m so stupid and just never realized that they also need plain water and a separate electrolyte water. I took out the electrolyte water and gave them all regular water and they’re taking to it. So I don’t know if they have too much electrolytes, coccidiosis, or a respiratory infection. They all seem to be happy and playful, running about and scratching and being very silly. The two little bantams in the separate brooder seem stressed and just want to snuggle under their heat plate. They’re so little so I feel like they want to be warmer. I have them in a 4ftx4ft brooder and the little ones in a 2x4ft brooder. I sent my boyfriend to tractor supply to get corrid. I’m just so lost and confused. I added a photo of the bloody poop in the brooder with the rest of the chicks. I have not seen any bloody poop in the bantams brooder since I moved her in there.
You’re not stupid! Everyone makes mistakes when trying something new. You came to the right place for help! I’m new too! I agree having a separate water was a great call and so was separating a hurt chick. Keep an eye on them and keep feeding the medicated feed! Give it some time:) keep trying!! ❤️

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