One of my hens had a messy butt, so I picked her up, and her belly is really firm and distended. I soaked her in warmish after and worked all the poo off her butt and out of her feathers. wrapped her in towels and dried her off. And now she’s in a crate in my bathroom.
Her crop seems really firm too. About the size of a baseball.
What else should I do?
She’s about 18 months, Golden Comet. No other pasty butts in the flock. 22% later pellets with kitchen/garden scraps. Free choice oyster shells & regular grit. Pine shavings in coop and mulch in run.
Edit: I had her isolated inside for the afternoon. She had healthy poops for most of that time, but later into the evening, they got watery. I put her back in the coop around 9 p.m. Crop is smaller; belly still distended. Could she be egg bound?
Her crop seems really firm too. About the size of a baseball.
What else should I do?
She’s about 18 months, Golden Comet. No other pasty butts in the flock. 22% later pellets with kitchen/garden scraps. Free choice oyster shells & regular grit. Pine shavings in coop and mulch in run.
Edit: I had her isolated inside for the afternoon. She had healthy poops for most of that time, but later into the evening, they got watery. I put her back in the coop around 9 p.m. Crop is smaller; belly still distended. Could she be egg bound?
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