Do chickens use mulch to make a dust bath?

My Very First 6 Chickens

*~* Livin', Lovin', Learnin' *~*
May 5, 2021
Hello, I recently got enough mulch delivered to cover my run and under the coop. I am concerned about covering every inch, because i feel the six week old pullets prefer some natural ground which is dirt. What is your opinion?


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How large is your run? You can always add tire dust baths like @CHlCKEN has (she can show a pic) and cover the whole ground. You could also get some sand to mix in if you think it should be dustier.

I found these tires abandoned in the woods. Old tires wee everywhere if you know where to look. I've got to have at least 5 other sets up there. I used truck tires (and one regular tire) since those were just what I chose to bring down but if you’re confined to a small run space use car tires because they’re smaller and won't take up too much room.

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