Do hens sometimes gobble?


9 Years
Mar 27, 2010
Russellville, Arkansas
Yesterday, I purchased 5 young (4-5) month old turkeys. 3 Narrangansett and 2 bronze to put with my 3 Royal Palms (2 male and 1 female). I am looking forward to seeing what I get from these birds. However about 15 minutes after I put these 5 "hens" in a pen, one of them began to gobble. I have had turkeys in the past and have never seen or heard of a hen doing this. This bird looks very much like a hen, no spurs started, light row of feathers up the neck, narrow head, smaller legs, and small snood. So has anyone every heard of this happening?
No, I own and breed Narragansett Turkeys and I haven't ever had this experience.
Yes, I have a hen that made gobbling sounds. Not as much or well as the toms, but defiantly not hen noises! She puffs and struts too. However, that being said, she has raised some great babies.
My hens also strut like yours as well. They always throw me off when they strut. :mad: They look just like the boys when they do that.

Oh my.. I was certain my two were both boys because of strutting. They are about 3 months now. When will I know for sure?! No gobbles at all yet.

Well, I'm not sure. I just knew mine were girls before I thought they were boys. :gig And because I saw them laying eggs and setting and being a good turkey mom. If you think yours are boys, then they probably are. :/
Well, I'm not sure. I just knew mine were girls before I thought they were boys. :gig And because I saw them laying eggs and setting and being a good turkey mom. If you think yours are boys, then they probably are. :/
I thought one was a girl for sure based on her being much smaller and feminine in the face then the other. But I saw her/him strutting around my chickens trying to threaten them. I would say it would be more likely if they were mature hens, but at 3 months, would a hen do that?
I guess you never want to say never but as a rule if it gobbles it'e a tom. Both sexes strut and hens can have beards. When the local wild turkey's come for a visit, every turkey I have struts all over the place. I have a Bourbon Red hen that makes all sort of strange sounds, even some that sound like she's trying to talk to you, but she doesn't gobble. I've had turkeys for 30yrs. and have never had a hen gobble.

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