Do I have a brooder full of roosters?


In the Brooder
Sep 11, 2021
First things first: Yes, I know it's early to tell and I need to wait a bit to know for certain. That said, I have a group of six chicks I hatched out four and a half weeks ago. We've spent a lot of time together and based on the hens I've raised (three dozen total) and what I am seeing in the brooder and making some comparisons to behavior, feathering, etc., I'm pretty confident I lost the toss and I'm pretty sure I've got a brooder full (or mostly full) of roosters.

I hatched out three buff Orpingtons, two Australorps, and a Brahma. I'm going to start with my buffs.

Chick #1 - definitely a rooster. No question. Next!

Chick #2 - leaning rooster. Acts like it, pink comb.

Chick #3 - if any of the Buff Orps are a hen it's this one. Small orangish comb. Stands more level of that makes sense? The other two stand taller with more "come at me bro" vibes. Oldest of the three buff orps (about 12 hours older than chick #1). Also this chick is the most dramatic chick I have ever had and that includes my Amercauanas (not that that helps determine gender, it's purely anecdotal and makes getting a decent picture a bear):

Chick #4 The Brahma. This is Eddie. Eddie is massive, big rooster vibes, but because of the pea comb I know it can be hard to tell at four weeks (I had a Brahma hen who I swore was a rooster until she laid an egg because she wanted to fight me always, now she's my puppy LOL).

Chick #5 - compared to the other Australorp, this may be a hen? But the comb is pretty pink. Behaviorally speaking it's acting like a hen one minute (body carriage specifically) but the next it's getting into a rooster "fight me" stance with the other Australorp.

Chick #6 - definitely leaning rooster on this one. Stands straight up, legs are T H I C K thick, and more pink in the comb than the other Australorp (I think?) though looking at this chick more closely, I think this may actually be a Jersey Giant - yellow pads on the feet and chick #5 has pale/pinkish pads.

Any thoughts? TIA!!!


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That does look like mostly "likely cockerels" there! It's early, but typically if your wondering at this age, you're most likely right.
I've been at this for 20 yrs and still have the occasional surprise after I think I've correctly identified all the males. Combs are the last thing I consider. First I look at leg size, body carriage, then tail feather growth.
I've been at this for 20 yrs and still have the occasional surprise after I think I've correctly identified all the males. Combs are the last thing I consider. First I look at leg size, body carriage, then tail feather growth.
The one chick that was labeled an Australorp has MASSIVE legs. But like I said in my first post, yellow toes, so definitely hard to compare as I do think it's actually a Jersey Giant. Based on body carriage the one Australorp and the one Buff Orpington could definitely be hens. They run around like a football if that makes sense

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