Do I need to separate a broody that just hatched babies???


In the Brooder
Jul 5, 2018
Our chicken Sunday has just had her first successful hatch. She's in the nesting box still hatching chicks so I'm wondering if I need to separate her. Do I remove her from the nest box? We have about 15 other hens will the chicks be safe? I've only experienced hatching in the incubator and know what to do for that..... but.... I've never done it this way! HELP!!!!!
Welcome to BYC.

You can separate, or not, as you choose, but if this is your flock's first time with chicks, and you don't know how they'll react, I would keep an eye on them.

Personally, I like to remove my chicks from the flock for a few days after hatch, because it gives them time to learn to run around and listen to their mother. But many people leave them in their coops without incident. The rooster, if you have one, is likely to help protect them.

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