Do I need to take my rabbit to the vet?


In the Brooder
Nov 6, 2023
Hey, I am almost entirely positive that my three-year-old giant angora rabbit has Weepy-Eye. He has been lethargic, and has refused to eat anything that isn't sugary other than alfalfa pellets. I checked his teeth and gums; they all look great. His nose isn't runny and looks good. But his eyes are balding and crusty, and the fur near his eyes is also wet and crusty. Is there a remedy I can buy or make? Or do I have to take him to the vet?
Hey sorry to hear your rabbit is having issues. I do not know much about rabbits, but it looks like you did post about him on Thursday, too:

I would take him to the vet. If anything, it could give you peace of mind, which is priceless! With behavior changes and symptoms not getting better within a few days, a vet really is your best option. When I’m questioning whether to take my pets to the vet or not, if things don’t improve within two or three days, I opt to take them so I can quit guessing/worrying and prevent them from getting worse. You could always call the vet and ask if they think they should see him before taking him, sometimes I do that. Usually they’ll tell me they need to see the animal, but once in a while they tell me things to try at home first.

Im sorry, maybe someone with rabbit experience will chime in and give you advice :hugs

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