Do I Understand My Crosses Correctly? Part 1


14 Years
Jul 10, 2009
North Carolina Sandhills
My Coop
My Coop
I'm planning what to do with hatching eggs this spring and am trying to figure out my crosses.

First, the general flock headed by the Black Langshan male (feathered feet, at least theoretically Croad type, from Ideal):

With a French Cuckoo Marans hen (feathered feet) -- Sex-linked. Black females and barred males. All single combed and feather-footed.

With a Blue Australorp -- Not sex-linked. 50% Blue, 50% Black. What happens with the feathered feet? The Kippenjungle calculator doesn't have feathered feet on Langshans.

With a Silver-Laced Cochin -- Not sex-linked. All black. All featherfooted.

With a California White -- I have no clue. The breed is not in the calculator

With a Lavender Orpington x SLW -- All black. Don't know about comb or feathered feet. 1/2 split to Lavender but no way to tell which half.

With a Mottled Java -- I have no clue. The breed is not in the calculator.

With a Dominique -- Sex-linked. Black females, barred males. All rosecomb. Don't know about foot feathers.

(I'm not breeding my Light Brahma or my SLW because they are substandard birds who lay inferior eggs).
I'm planning what to do with hatching eggs this spring and am trying to figure out my crosses.

First, the general flock headed by the Black Langshan male (feathered feet, at least theoretically Croad type, from Ideal):

With a French Cuckoo Marans hen (feathered feet) -- Sex-linked. Black females and barred males. All single combed and feather-footed.

With a Blue Australorp -- Not sex-linked. 50% Blue, 50% Black. What happens with the feathered feet? The Kippenjungle calculator doesn't have feathered feet on Langshans.

With a Silver-Laced Cochin -- Not sex-linked. All black. All featherfooted.

With a California White -- I have no clue. The breed is not in the calculator

With a Lavender Orpington x SLW -- All black. Don't know about comb or feathered feet. 1/2 split to Lavender but no way to tell which half.

With a Mottled Java -- I have no clue. The breed is not in the calculator.

With a Dominique -- Sex-linked. Black females, barred males. All rosecomb. Don't know about foot feathers.

(I'm not breeding my Light Brahma or my SLW because they are substandard birds who lay inferior eggs).
I think you got everything right! The offspring will most likely all have feathered feet
First, the general flock headed by the Black Langshan male (feathered feet, at least theoretically Croad type, from Ideal):

With a French Cuckoo Marans hen (feathered feet) -- Sex-linked. Black females and barred males. All single combed and feather-footed.


With a Blue Australorp -- Not sex-linked. 50% Blue, 50% Black. What happens with the feathered feet? The Kippenjungle calculator doesn't have feathered feet on Langshans.

I believe you'll see foot feathering on most if not all of the chicks with a feather footed parent. I'm not super familiar with the inheritance of feather footed genes but it seems like it's usually dominant. You're otherwise correct.

With a Silver-Laced Cochin -- Not sex-linked. All black. All featherfooted.

Correct. You might see some silver leak through especially on the male offspring, though.

With a California White -- I have no clue. The breed is not in the calculator

I believe Cali Whites have one copy of dominant White and are genetically Black underneath, in which case from that cross you'll get 50% Black offspring, 50% White offspring, the White offspring possibly showing random flecks of black.

With a Lavender Orpington x SLW -- All black. Don't know about comb or feathered feet. 1/2 split to Lavender but no way to tell which half.

You have the Lavender inheritance correct. With the comb, the mothers should be rose combed with one copy of the gene, in which case you should get a 50-50 split of rose comb and single comb in the offspring.

With a Mottled Java -- I have no clue. The breed is not in the calculator.

All Black. The mottled gene is recessive, so they will not be mottled, but all will carry the gene.

With a Dominique -- Sex-linked. Black females, barred males. All rosecomb. Don't know about foot feathers.


I believe you'll see foot feathering on most if not all of the chicks with a feather footed parent. I'm not super familiar with the inheritance of feather footed genes but it seems like it's usually dominant. You're otherwise correct.

Correct. You might see some silver leak through especially on the male offspring, though.

I believe Cali Whites have one copy of dominant White and are genetically Black underneath, in which case from that cross you'll get 50% Black offspring, 50% White offspring, the White offspring possibly showing random flecks of black.

You have the Lavender inheritance correct. With the comb, the mothers should be rose combed with one copy of the gene, in which case you should get a 50-50 split of rose comb and single comb in the offspring.

All Black. The mottled gene is recessive, so they will not be mottled, but all will carry the gene.


Thank you so much.

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