Do mother ducks leave the nest more when the ducklings are about to hatch?


In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2021
My buff duck has been faithfully sitting on her eggs for nearly 28 days. Yesterday the eggs started internally pipping, we could hear them pecking at the shell. Today the mother duck has been spending less time sitting on her eggs than usual. She has taken six 10-15 minute breaks as opposed to maybe one or two breaks during the day. I'm worried that she might be abandoning her nest at a very crucial time and I have absolutely no idea what to do if she decides not to sit on them anymore. We don't have an incubator. normal nesting duck behavior, or cause for concern?
My buff duck has been faithfully sitting on her eggs for nearly 28 days. Yesterday the eggs started internally pipping, we could hear them pecking at the shell. Today the mother duck has been spending less time sitting on her eggs than usual. She has taken six 10-15 minute breaks as opposed to maybe one or two breaks during the day. I'm worried that she might be abandoning her nest at a very crucial time and I have absolutely no idea what to do if she decides not to sit on them anymore. We don't have an incubator. normal nesting duck behavior, or cause for concern?
I wouldn't worry yet.
What is the temperature like where you are?
I wouldn't necessarily say that it's typical behavior for them to start doing that more once they start to hatch, but I've had several ducks to take very long breaks from the nest all throughout incubation.
But unless she abandons it completely they should still hatch just fine having gone this far.

Have you been messing with the eggs more looking for signs of hatching?
I am guilty of this too I'm not judging I'm just saying you're really best off to leave them alone and let them do their thing.
temperatures have been unseasonably warm around 100 and very dry (we live in utah) but we've kept her shaded and have cold water and food within steps of the nest. I have tried valiantly to keep the people from touching the egg especially once they started getting close to 28 days and I was sure they were still alive. She seems to get upset and get off the nest when other ducks wander near the nest. Should I isolate her and the nest?
Well I typed a post but I don't know where it went. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Just sayin in case it reappears 🤣
I would fence her off if you can without stressing her too much
Other ducks and drakes will sometimes attack littles.

If it's that warm there I wouldn't worry at all about her spending more time off the nest.
temperatures have been unseasonably warm around 100 and very dry (we live in utah) but we've kept her shaded and have cold water and food within steps of the nest. I have tried valiantly to keep the people from touching the egg especially once they started getting close to 28 days and I was sure they were still alive. She seems to get upset and get off the nest when other ducks wander near the nest. Should I isolate her and the nest?
If it's 100 degrees that's why she is leaving more. 100 is hotter than what is even recommended for hatching in an incubator. If she is sitting on top when it's 100 degrees that means those eggs are being kept at 100+ degrees. It's probably better at that point for her not to sit on them otherwise they could get too hot.
thanks, thats a relief! I just kicked the other girls out of the run where she is. They will just have to free-range in the fenced backyard with each other. We don't get night predators where I live and they have favorite spots to hide under some branches.
LOL - I have co-parents this year. Thelma (Pekin) is the fair weather parent. She takes a few hours every day off the nest. Lady (muscovy) is the real trooper. It will be fun to see who is the parent once the kids hatch. Sitting on 6 eggs.
Last year none hatched. We will find out next week ~ June 30th. Best of my calcuations, that will be 32 days. Most likely all muscovies as Fat Louie (muscovy drake) is partial to Lady :love ;)


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LOL - I have co-parents this year. Thelma (Pekin) is the fair weather parent. She takes a few hours every day off the nest. Lady (muscovy) is the real trooper. It will be fun to see who is the parent once the kids hatch. Sitting on 6 eggs.
Last year none hatched. We will find out next week ~ June 30th. Best of my calcuations, that will be 32 days. Most likely all muscovies as Fat Louie (muscovy drake) is partial to Lady :love ;)
Good luck with that.
My co-broody situation did not turn out too well, twice now.
I also have a co-broody situation but involves 3 Muscovy ducks. They are either side-by-side or in a triangle and always beak to tail. They are co-operating but not above trying to subtly trying to steal an eggs from each other. SSHHH - they are actually sitting on 13 peacock eggs. Don't tell them.

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