Do you still think I am a hen? What mix breed am I?


7 Years
Sep 5, 2016
Taylor, Tx
For sometime now we have thought and been told this is a hen. We have not gotten an egg nor have we heard crowing, aprx 7 or 8 mo old. She/He is almost as big as our rooster but the comb is small if she is a rooster. Our rooster show some slight agression to her/him but nothing really blood or missing feathers. She/he sometime issolates form the rest although not too far still in eyesight. This small flock of 4 is of mixed mutt breeds as the lady we got them from had all kinds and the breeds intermixed. So am I a hen that is just not laying yet (all others are) or a rooster that just hasn't developed yet due to mix breeding? As for breed what do you think I might be? Will try to get better photos but this was as close as i could get.


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For sometime now we have thought and been told this is a hen. We have not gotten an egg nor have we heard crowing, aprx 7 or 8 mo old. She/He is almost as big as our rooster but the comb is small if she is a rooster. Our rooster show some slight agression to her/him but nothing really blood or missing feathers. She/he sometime issolates form the rest although not too far still in eyesight. This small flock of 4 is of mixed mutt breeds as the lady we got them from had all kinds and the breeds intermixed. So am I a hen that is just not laying yet (all others are) or a rooster that just hasn't developed yet due to mix breeding? As for breed what do you think I might be? Will try to get better photos but this was as close as i could get.
Nothing indicates that she is a rooster. Others will help with the mix.
Definitely a arent clear enough for assessing breed characteristics.....a clear photo of comb would be a great start, hard to make out if just an immature single or another type. Are legs yellow or white (pic isnt clear on that as lighting can make one look like the other....if mot sure, pick her up and look at her feet bottoms), are her wattles just small or repressed by slight bearding?
For sometime now we have thought and been told this is a hen. We have not gotten an egg nor have we heard crowing, aprx 7 or 8 mo old. She/He is almost as big as our rooster but the comb is small if she is a rooster. Our rooster show some slight agression to her/him but nothing really blood or missing feathers. She/he sometime issolates form the rest although not too far still in eyesight. This small flock of 4 is of mixed mutt breeds as the lady we got them from had all kinds and the breeds intermixed. So am I a hen that is just not laying yet (all others are) or a rooster that just hasn't developed yet due to mix breeding? As for breed what do you think I might be? Will try to get better photos but this was as close as i could get.
Definitely a pullet, it looks like a barred rock (mix?) to me. Cockerels would be much lighter and with larger and redder combs.
Definitely a arent clear enough for assessing breed characteristics.....a clear photo of comb would be a great start, hard to make out if just an immature single or another type. Are legs yellow or white (pic isnt clear on that as lighting can make one look like the other....if mot sure, pick her up and look at her feet bottoms), are her wattles just small or repressed by slight bearding?
Her legs are yellow no feathering/boot. I will only be able to pick her up after they roost tonight. I do know that the lady we got them from had many different breeds including marans, this one seams too big to be a cuckoo maran look more like Bared Rock?? (Due to size) i am a novice so I wouldn't really no the breeds well. Will see if I can get some photos tonight when they go to roost.

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