Does she have gape worms or respiratory infection?


Apr 3, 2022
West coast Canada
My 2 year old hen has been not well for over a week and now coughing and sneezing in a weird fashion.
She hasn't been eating much feed and only ate a bit of eggs, greens and fruits. She looked okay for the last few days but she looks worse this evening.
Is it gape worms or respiratory infection?
Also, I squirted some olive oil into her mouth twice 9 days ago when she seemed to be having a hard time breathing because I thought she might be choking.
I wonder if that olive oil went down the wrong pipe into the lungs and are causing problems now.

This is from today.

In this video from 9 days ago, she made a loud noise while breathing heavily, but she calmed down soon.
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She sounds like she has a respiratory infection or something irritating her nostrils. Pressing on her chest could have forced the oil to come back up into the airway from the crop. Oil is not going to help with respiratory symptoms. How often is she sneezing? Every few minutes throughout the day, or occasionally? Does she have any fluid or mucus from her nostrils or beak? Are there any bubbles or foam in either eye? Can you feel of her crop and let us know if it is emptying and flat first thing in the morning?
She sounds like she has a respiratory infection or something irritating her nostrils. Pressing on her chest could have forced the oil to come back up into the airway from the crop. Oil is not going to help with respiratory symptoms. How often is she sneezing? Every few minutes throughout the day, or occasionally? Does she have any fluid or mucus from her nostrils or beak? Are there any bubbles or foam in either eye? Can you feel of her crop and let us know if it is emptying and flat first thing in the morning?
She sneezed only occasionally yesterday like that in the video and other times she makes only a bit of wet sound when breathing.
She doesn't have any fluid or mucus from her nostrils or beak. No bubbles or foam in the eyes either.
Her crop feels pretty empty whenever I feel it for over a week. I had food in her cage last night but she didn't seem to have eaten much if at all.
She still likes to eat fruits or greens but she's not interested in feed or even screamed egg lately.
I gave her oil 10 days ago because I thought she might be choking from food. Her comb and wattles became purple at that time. I wish I hadn't.
Thank you.

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