Duck keeps getting nosebleeds!


In the Brooder
Apr 7, 2024
Hello! I have been a lurker on this website for a while, last year I very suddenly became responsible for raising six ducklings with zero experience and it is all because of this website that my babies have all grown up happy and healthy. However, I admit there is still sooo much I need to learn and something has happened with my one duck that has made me quite desperate.

Three days ago, I noticed my duck Kurt had some dried blood on his beak and some inside his nostrils. I thought his breathing also sounded a bit off, but I was panicking very badly and don't know if that was an accurate observation or me just spiraling lol. I had him go for a quick swim in the kiddie pool to clean out his nose and after his breathing sounded totally normal. He was also as active as his siblings and eating + drinking normally. I thought maybe a tiny piece of straw I use as bedding in their enclosure + coop had gotten into his nose and irritated it so that day, I introduced pine wood chips as their new bedding. Yesterday, it was a very similar situation. He was eating & drinking & playing completely normal but once again there was new but dried blood around and in his nose. Today has been the third day of this and I am so worried. I opened their enclosure to let them out and was so happy to see their was no dried or fresh blood on his beak or that I could see in his nose. However, when I went in to clean + change their water, i found some bits of blood splatter that really really freaked me out. I'm assuming he was sneezing or shaking his head and this is how it splattered out? He is acting completely normally, appetite is normal as well as how much he drinks. Does anyone have any advice or know what is going on / what I can do? If I am still finding that he is getting these nosebleeds by Tuesday, I will be scheduling a vet appointment for a hospital I found about thirty minutes way that I believe sees ducks. I'm trying to do the best I can with the money I have and am really hoping he will be okay

I feed them Purina pelleted duck feed and sprinkle Brewers yeast onto their pellets every other day, they get petite peas as treats and sometimes freeze-dried mealworms. For about four or five days before his nosebleeds started, they were eating the DuMor 22% crumbles because I had a new bag of it lying around and didn't want to waste it. They have a waterer meant for ducks that their whole bill can fit in, as well as two two tubs of water clipped on the walls of the enclosure that are deep enough that they can clean their whole head. I change these waters out everyday and since yesterday, I have been putting a little bit of apple cider vinegar in their drinking water. I'm
sorry this is so long lol I am just really worried. If anyone has any advice or a similar story, It seriously would mean the entire world to me!!!


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Is the redness on his head normally there?
This is him back in February, sometimes it looks paler but usually the red is normally there. Since the nosebleeds started a few days ago, his beak to me looks more bright red and puffier on the sides. I also forgot to mention in my post but it snowed for the first time in a while the day the bleeding started, if that is relevant? :(


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Could be, I get nosebleeds when it gets cold and dry - even in the house! Does he have a warm place to retreat to?
Yes! My mom and boyfriend have been reassuring me that it might just be the weather, especially since he is completely fine otherwise but I am such a worrier lol. Their enclosure is insulated and protected from wind + snow and inside their coop where they sleep, I use a lot of hay and straw. It isn't currently possible for me to have any electricity running to their enclosure but I'm open to any advice on keeping them as warm as possible! If it is irritation from the cold, besides making sure he is warm is there any ointment that would help his nose or something?
Hello! I have been a lurker on this website for a while, last year I very suddenly became responsible for raising six ducklings with zero experience and it is all because of this website that my babies have all grown up happy and healthy. However, I admit there is still sooo much I need to learn and something has happened with my one duck that has made me quite desperate.

Three days ago, I noticed my duck Kurt had some dried blood on his beak and some inside his nostrils. I thought his breathing also sounded a bit off, but I was panicking very badly and don't know if that was an accurate observation or me just spiraling lol. I had him go for a quick swim in the kiddie pool to clean out his nose and after his breathing sounded totally normal. He was also as active as his siblings and eating + drinking normally. I thought maybe a tiny piece of straw I use as bedding in their enclosure + coop had gotten into his nose and irritated it so that day, I introduced pine wood chips as their new bedding. Yesterday, it was a very similar situation. He was eating & drinking & playing completely normal but once again there was new but dried blood around and in his nose. Today has been the third day of this and I am so worried. I opened their enclosure to let them out and was so happy to see their was no dried or fresh blood on his beak or that I could see in his nose. However, when I went in to clean + change their water, i found some bits of blood splatter that really really freaked me out. I'm assuming he was sneezing or shaking his head and this is how it splattered out? He is acting completely normally, appetite is normal as well as how much he drinks. Does anyone have any advice or know what is going on / what I can do? If I am still finding that he is getting these nosebleeds by Tuesday, I will be scheduling a vet appointment for a hospital I found about thirty minutes way that I believe sees ducks. I'm trying to do the best I can with the money I have and am really hoping he will be okay

I feed them Purina pelleted duck feed and sprinkle Brewers yeast onto their pellets every other day, they get petite peas as treats and sometimes freeze-dried mealworms. For about four or five days before his nosebleeds started, they were eating the DuMor 22% crumbles because I had a new bag of it lying around and didn't want to waste it. They have a waterer meant for ducks that their whole bill can fit in, as well as two two tubs of water clipped on the walls of the enclosure that are deep enough that they can clean their whole head. I change these waters out everyday and since yesterday, I have been putting a little bit of apple cider vinegar in their drinking water. I'm
sorry this is so long lol I am just really worried. If anyone has any advice or a similar story, It seriously would mean the entire world to me!!!
Is his face always that puffy or is it the angle of the camera?Right next to his nare it looks swollen?
Is his face always that puffy or is it the angle of the camera?Right next to his nare it looks swollen?
I've been comparing lots of pictures of him and since the nosebleeds started, around his nose and his face in general is definitely more swollen than typical :( That + the nosebleeds, and then no other symptoms or changes so I'm really at a loss and worried
Might be a sinus infection but I can’t say for sure. No vets here on BYC that I know of. You could start him on an antibiotic or take him to a vet. Have you felt this area? Does if feel squishy or hard. I couldn’t find anything about nose bleeds in ducks but found this in chickens and it does mention poor air quality.
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