Duck puke


In the Brooder
Nov 29, 2023
random question… can ducks puke because they are too full?

My pekin just puked up like 4 earthworms… I saw him eat a bunch outside… could he be too full? He was drinking water and started puking in the water. Poor kid lol I hate when he pukes. The only other time my ducks have puked is riding in the car.

When is duck puking normal and when should I be concerned? I get so nervous they will choke. I’m crazy and a worry wort.
I've never seen any of my ducks puke but I would think it any overindulged especially eating earthworms they are so big it could happen . How is he now?
He’s fine now. I just get so worried about any little thing. Lol
Like I constantly am worried they are going to choke on something even though I cut all their veggies tiny and give them an abundance of water. Why am I this way! Lol
They are on an organic layer feed. It’s hard to separate the food from my boy and girl. I give them lettuce, peas, sardines, cucumbers (not everyday but as a snack or treat). Occasionally dried grasshoppers and mealworms. But they always forage in my yard.
They are on an organic layer feed. It’s hard to separate the food from my boy and girl. I give them lettuce, peas, sardines, cucumbers (not everyday but as a snack or treat). Occasionally dried grasshoppers and mealworms. But they always forage in my yard.
If Possible, Just feed an all flock or grower feed and allow the girls access to oyster shell.

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