Duck sensitive vent area won't eat or walk


Mar 4, 2021
Lexington Kentucky
I have a 2.5 year old welsh harlequin who has had herself seperated for about a week now. She had the slightest limp and wasn't walking much, I looked her over and there was no bumble foot or heat in the joints, so I gave her a few days to just rest. Yesterday she walked out of the coop and was collapsed next to the pool so I put her in it - not thinking she couldn't get out. An hour and half later I looked outside and she was still there. She was in shock, shaking and couldn't walk or stand at all. I warmed her up and after an hour she was back to standing up and moving a little.

Last night she wouldn't go to the coop so I had to carry her to bed and this morning she wouldn't come out.

She walks fine but collapses, I'm sure something is hurting her?

I cannot get her to eat anything but she has drank a little water on her own

I gave her some vitamin b, e and selenium. And did an epsom salt soak

I don't feel any eggs and her vent looks clean but is very sensitive area to touch.

I'm also 99% positive she laid an egg yesterday and today because she was secluded from the flock and had one right next to her. But there's a chance anothe laid it.

Her poops are wet but so seem a little sticky and I can definitely smell them as soon as she poops.

I'm not sure if this could be vent gleet even though she looks fine? Or could an egg have broken inside her?

I have found a lot of odd duck eggs lately. A few with giant blood spots inside them - leaving the shell with a black spot which is how I knew it was bad. and I've found two rotten inside - though I can't be 100% positive if the eggs were old enough to rot since my ducks do lay everywhere they shouldn't.

If anyone has any suggestions on what could be going on, or what I can try - I'd appreciate it.

I'll post a video I took of her this morning when I took her out of the coop - pooping and then walking and collapsing

Do you have any Liquid Calcium Gluconate and Liquid B Complex? the Calcium gluconate will help clean anything out of her that might not should be in there. Like broken egg shell pieces. It also helps to pass an egg if one is having issues. The fact she is pooping can mean she isn't egg-bound can you get a good picture of her poop? Does she have any liquid coming from her vent besides poop? The walking and collasping may mean she needs some extra niacin so the liquid B Complex would be best for it. Both these products can be found at TSC most of the time. The Liquid B will say injectable but we give it orally if the bird is eating we offer it over a small amount of treat like mealworms or watermelon if they aren't eating then by mouth The calcium offered the same way.
These are all just things I would try but I am not a vet.
If she has vent gleet there would most likely be some discharge and smell. The only other thing I can offer is having a vet check her out. It can be very hard to figure out what the problem can be but I would keep her from overdoing trying to keep up with the flock etc until you have gotten her on the B Complex and are beginning to notice her legs getting stronger. Also water therapy is a good way to help her strengthen her legs muscles that appear weak right now. Just make sure she can get in an out of the pool without having to jump. Another thing is an egg up higher in her body and it is pressing on the nerves in her back and causing this weakness. See there are many things that can be going on but I would start with the liquid B complex and Calcium gluconate. The fact she isn't eating is worrisome too which means you might want to consider tube feeding to try and stimulate hunger we have info on this . Be sure when she is in the pool you stay with her until she is ready to get out.

I wish I could say for sure what is going on. I can only share what I would do with one of mine is showing these symptoms.
Please let us know how she is.
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Do you have any Liquid Calcium Gluconate and Liquid B Complex? the Calcium gluconate will help clean anything out of her that might not should be in there. Like broken egg shell pieces. It also helps to pass an egg if one is having issues. The fact she is pooping can mean she isn't egg-bound can you get a good picture of her poop? Does she have any liquid coming from her vent besides poop? The walking and collasping may mean she needs some extra niacin so the liquid B Complex would be best for it. Both these products can be found at TSC most of the time. The Liquid B will say injectable but we give it orally if the bird is eating we offer it over a small amount of treat like mealworms or watermelon if they aren't eating then by mouth The calcium offered the same way.
These are all just things I would try but I am not a vet.
If she has vent gleet there would most likely be some discharge and smell. The only other thing I can offer is having a vet check her out. It can be very hard to figure out what the problem can be but I would keep her from overdoing trying to keep up with the flock etc until you have gotten her on the B Complex and are beginning to notice her legs getting stronger. Also water therapy is a good way to help her strengthen her legs muscles that appear weak right now. Just make sure she can get in an out of the pool without having to jump. Another thing is an egg up higher in her body and it is pressing on the nerves in her back and causing this weakness. See there are many things that can be going on but I would start with the liquid B complex and Calcium gluconate. The fact she isn't eating is worrisome too which means you might want to consider tube feeding to try and stimulate hunger we have info on this . Be sure when she is in the pool you stay with her until she is ready to get out.

I wish I could say for sure what is going on. I can only share what I would do with one of mine is showing these symptoms.
Please let us know how she is.
Thank you, I'm heading to TSC now and will grab some calcium and b complex. Do you now what the dosages would be for a duck?
For the Calcium gluconate 1ml daily same with the BComplex.
Thank you! I gave her both and another epsom salt soak

I had her sleep in a crate in the coop last night and in a stall in the barn today so I can see if she lays any eggs. But nothing for sure. I still don't really feel anything but she's very sensitive if you touch her vent and lower belly where an egg would be.

Her poops were slightly sticky, I've not seen her poop yet today. But I was gone almost all day until the last hour I've been tending to her

She still won't eat anything - not even peas which are her favorite
Here is info on tube feeding have you tried making her feed soupy with warm water if she is drinking she may drink her feed if made soupy. Try a small amount and see if she'll drink.
you don't need to have her soak in Epsom salt water just nice warm water is all she needs if it is egg binding. Epsom salts is also a laxative and can cause dehydration
Here is info on tube feeding have you tried making her feed soupy with warm water if she is drinking she may drink her feed if made soupy. Try a small amount and see if she'll drink.
you don't need to have her soak in Epsom salt water just nice warm water is all she needs if it is egg binding. Epsom salts is also a laxative and can cause dehydration
I'll try making her soupy food! Thank you!
I didn't even think of that 🙃 I won't do the epsom salt anymore. Thank you
I'll try making her soupy food! Thank you!
I didn't even think of that 🙃 I won't do the epsom salt anymore. Thank you
I'd go ahead and give her another ml at bedtime so she has 2 doses in her of the calcium gluconate. One member on here had a duck who was egg-bound and she dosed her 4 days in a row before she laid hopefully it won't take that long for yous if this is the problem.

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