Duck with a hole in her flipper

Quacking ducks

5 Years
May 31, 2019
About a week and a half to two weeks ago, I picked up one of my ducks and noticed she had a hole in the webbing of one of her Flippers. what should I do? Is it a niacin deficiency? Or is it something else? Will it heal? Does anyone have any ideas? Thank you
My duck has a hole that looks just like that, and she has for many years, like 4 or 5. During this time she has gone to the vet multiple times for wellness checkups twice yearly and other times for illness. They always check her feet for bumbles or injuries and have never mentioned the hole. I've never asked because it seemed healed, not inflamed, not causing pain. And after the first few visits it seemed likely that the hole was not a big deal.
We had a mallard mix drake who was electrocuted in a bathtub with his siblings when he was a baby. He had a melted bill and his tongue would stick out of it. His feet looked like lace, so many holes I just couldn't believe it (he was one we purchased with other drakes, this certainly didn't happen on our watch). He still swam and acted normal.

If it's healed I wouldn't worry too much. She will probably be just fine. Very pretty girl, did you get her from a hatchery?
We had a mallard mix drake who was electrocuted in a bathtub with his siblings when he was a baby. He had a melted bill and his tongue would stick out of it. His feet looked like lace, so many holes I just couldn't believe it (he was one we purchased with other drakes, this certainly didn't happen on our watch). He still swam and acted normal.

If it's healed I wouldn't worry too much. She will probably be just fine. Very pretty girl, did you get her from a hatchery?
Oh my gosh how horrible did the siblings make it through that?
Oh my gosh how horrible did the siblings make it through that?
Nope, he was the only one who lived through the bathtub incident. The previous owners hung a heat lamp over the tub and then it fell in and killed all but him. I'm really not sure why they even did that, warm water for only a couple minutes! Don't leave babies unattended with a heat lamp😭!!!
Nope, he was the only one who lived through the bathtub incident. The previous owners hung a heat lamp over the tub and then it fell in and killed all but him. I'm really not sure why they even did that, warm water for only a couple minutes! Don't leave babies unattended with a heat lamp😭!!!
That's so sad! I'm glad the drake got to live with you after that. 💖🦆

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