Duckling with slipped tendon


7 Years
Dec 14, 2016
Hi, I have a duckling that is now about 7 weeks old and is walking on his hocks. He was hatched a normal walking duckling. At around 4 weeks old he started getting weak in his legs, I soon started niacin supplements, but it continued to get worse. Now it appears that the tendon has slipped to the side (the inside of the leg). I have tried popping the tendon back into place but I believe it might be too tight right now to do so. I need some advise, should I continue to do warm baths and stretches to loosen the tendon and keep trying to pop it into place? Should I wrap the tendon? If so would wrapping it now with the leg stretched out behind the duck benefit him even if I can't yet get the tendon into place? Help please!
Yes, I've just started daily water therapy and doing stretches with his legs to hopefully loosen so I can pop it into place.
Thanks for the info, no I do not have any vets around that treat ducks, nor do I have the money to spend on surgery. I will have to try to treat it myself or have him humanely euthanized.
Yeah, looks like the vet was able to pop it back into place before splinting, if I could only get it back into place I'd try it.

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