
Jun 5, 2017
I have (2) 6wk old pekins and (2) 4wk old cayugas and they are all terrified of their new kiddy pool. They loved swimming inside in the sink and bathtub when they were younger (and smaller) but now want nothing to do with swimming. They are obviously hot (panting in the shade) but won't swim. Help?
Can they get in and out easily? Mine were scared of pond at first but once I coaxed one in with peas and kale they go in and out on their own and love it now. I do have to help my Pekin get her big butt out
Ok, is perhaps giving them too much space/alone time/freedom at this young potentially causing fear? They seem to do much better when confined to a much smaller area, but I was concerned that their brooder box is too small at this point. They love swimming in the bath tub and will eat out of my hands when confined, but when in their adult coop/run they act fearful of me and anything almost. Even their waterer and feeder. Any suggestions?
How long have they been in the bigger space. They don't take to change very well so it will take time for them to get use to their new space.
If you can spend some time out with them it may help them feel more secure. With you and their surroundings.

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