Ducks and heatlamps?


In the Brooder
Mar 15, 2018
I have experience raising chicks, but this go around we also got two ducklings. I've never had ducks before, so this is a new experience, but they're doing well so far. They're about 6 weeks old now and HUGE but still don't have their adult feathers yet (the chicks we got at the same time all do). Their wings are still quite small as well.

They're under a heat lamp now, but we're thinking about moving them to a larger area since they're so big. I'm unsure if they still need heat, though. They've been panting a LOT in the other kennel (they do have constant access to water) so I'm not sure if they're getting overheated. I know chickens are usually fine once they have their feathers, but these big guys still don't have theirs.

Can you post pics of your ducks? usually by 6 weeks they are pretty much feathered in.
What breed?
What is your outside temps. You may have to start by moving slowly outside going from removing the heat lamp from the room you have them in now[ what temps] and gradually getting them outside.

It does sound like they are too warm in their brooder they are in now.

I don't have any updated pictures, just this kind of terrible video of them in the tub (don't worry, they can touch the bottom):

As for breed, I really don't know. We've tried to figure that out but haven't had much luck.
Not sure either but I think they are younger than 6 weeks. Maybe closer to 4? The one maybe Mallard or Rouen the other looks like maybe a mix of Khaki Campbell and something else. Where did you get them? Very cute lil ones. So was this 2 weeks before today? I'd turn off the heat lamp if you have them inside what is ambient temp in your house?
They do grow super fast you can almost see it. lol

If you got them from TSC then most likely pure breed. Can you get a better pic of the one with the white around it's neck ? I know not easy they are so busy. While you try I'll go see what I can find out.

Hopefully that works. S/he's a bit lighter gray but you can see her better here.

Yeah, I think that we've decided to take them away from the heat. They're almost too big for what we have them in right now anyway, so we're going to move them somewhere they can stretch their wings a bit better! Just wasn't sure if I needed to get a heat lamp to take with them.

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