Ducks Mating Season?


Jan 17, 2024
Hey yall

Anyone have some insight as to how long ducks mating season is?

I see various answers. The main one being Spring into Summer. But it’s August now and there’s no signs of letting up.

I only ask because one of our females Pickle (I posted her eye recently) has been having it rough lately. When one eye heals, the other gets messed up.

But today I came home and it’s the worst it has been. One of her eyes was completely bare and bleeding.

She is in her house now (with attached run) seperate from the rest. We will probably try out leaving the males in the house tomorrow while we are at work. Her eye needs to heal.

Just trying to figure out what we need to do in terms of long time. We can’t really separate them 24/7 without building a fence across our entire yard and that’s just not really doable. And it wouldn’t be fair to keep some in the house all day.

If the breeding season will end soon, we can make it work. But if it’s an all year thing. I’m not sure. Especially with winter coming where they will be in the house a lot more
How many drakes do you have? Sometimes too many drakes will develop the habit of competitively breeding a hen or hens which can result in serious injury or death. Hopefully this is not what you are dealing with.
How many drakes do you have? Sometimes too many drakes will develop the habit of competitively breeding a hen or hens which can result in serious injury or death. Hopefully this is not what you are dealing with.
We have 3 drakes. I got a few more females to hopefully help but they are still too young. I’m hoping that’s not the case but idk anymore. It seems that one male will start to mate and the other two run over to them. I’ve noticed one in specific goes for the face specifically.
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It seems that one male will start to mate and the other two run over to them. I’ve noticed one in specific goes for the face specifically. If it comes down to it, as sad as it would be, I’m open to finding new homes.
That is what I would term 'competitive' breeding. Generally once they pick a target hen they will not leave her alone. It gets to be really dangerous if they have swimming water as the hen can inadvertently get drowned.
That is what I would term 'competitive' breeding. Generally once they pick a target hen they will not leave her alone. It gets to be really dangerous if they have swimming water as the hen can inadvertently get drowned.
I have feared that.
Is this an all year thing? Or will it stop for a few months?

I’ve read too that their first breeding season can be pretty rough, is there any truth to that?

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