Dwarf Bantam Cochin?


Oct 31, 2016
Sault Ste.Marie MI
Does anyone have any knowledge or information on dwarf bantam cochin chickens? For the first month of Itsy's life she was the same size as all the other chicks hatched together. Same father different hens but all bantam cochins as well. Itsy is at least half the size if not more than any of her siblings. She is now 3 months old, very healthy and spry just very small. Since this is my first post hopefully the picture is included to show size comparison. I am wondering if anyone can provide me with why, how, this happened and could I expect to possibly hatch more of these or is it a fluke?

CTKen has given you a link to the best place to find out...good luck, she sure is a cutie!
Hello there, and welcome to Backyard Chickens! She may be small, but she is adorable! I am not very good with genetics and what could cause it and if it will happen again, so I'll leave that to the pros. I hope you enjoy your time here!
She is adorable, also she is(and she looks like one for now) is next to a cockerel. Males generally are larger than females in most breeds. There is a size variation in many breedings.

For instance serama are among the smallest bantams in the world, one clutch of eggs may provide birds in 3 different sizes but, they are all still seramas. The smallest may be chosen for show. A mid range female may be kept for breeding. Larger ones might go to pet homes.

Assuming she is eating, drinking, pooing and interacting with the others - I would accept her as a small member of your flock.

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