Early quitter or slow starter?


11 Years
Jul 14, 2011
Hello, It's our first time incubating in many years! Done it once before with much better luck! This time I bought a new incubator which worked great for the first 5 days then started fluctuating temp like crazy! We had it lower than 84 and as high as 104 for at least a short time.

I candled the eggs on day 5 and one white egg had very good veining but after the problems it looked like it had a red ring :( . There was still a spot and some small veins so I switched it and my marans eggs over to my old manual incubator. This is day 10 and it seems to have something bigger going on on one side but the other side is much clearer, no more ring. Is this the stuff settling on one side or is there a chance at life? These pics are the same egg two sides.


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Here is what I saw on day 7 when I realized how bad the incubator was changing temperature. Again these are both the same egg. The picture doesn't show very well but it had a bit of a ring. Not as drastic as some I've seen.


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