Easy One? What gender are these two?


6 Years
Feb 20, 2013
Colorado Springs, CO
So I'm trying to learn how to tell chicken gender. I'm going to post pics of our two chicks, followed by what I think they are and why. Tell me how far off I am :)

These are both around 8 weeks and were sold to me as pullets...

First one, much whiter than the other:

Here's a head-shot of the second one:

And both of them together:

So... these were sold as red sexlinks and were guaranteed pullet by coloring. From what I've learned here, though that only holds true for first gen.

The whiter one is a pullet by the way she carries herself - more horizontal, her small comb and face coloring.

I think the darker one might be a roo. Its not scientific but you can tell in this pic his stance is more like the other roo I've had with tail up high. Otherwise he's a little bigger and has thicker legs, is more reddish in comb and it is slightly larger.

Don't get me wrong - I really want two pullets. Last thing I want to do is have to get rid of another roo.

So what do you think?
male redsexlink (from Feathersite.com)

that's great news, but I thought that the sexlink coloring only works for the first generation and if you breed them with each other after that then color isn't an indicator. am I mistaken in that?
that's great news, but I thought that the sexlink coloring only works for the first generation and if you breed them with each other after that then color isn't an indicator. am I mistaken in that?
You are correct. Did you get them from a hatchery, or a private breeder who bred sex links second generation?
Either way, at 8 weeks those birds are both female. A male would have a larger redder comb and darker shading showing up on the shoulder/wing bow. It's too early for hackle or saddle feathers, but those other indicators would be present. Get ready for nice brown eggs in a few months!

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