Egg Color: I’m stumped


Sep 30, 2023
Hey everybody,

I currently have three roosters that carry two copies for blue eggs. I had my younger two DNA tested to confirm for breeding purposes. I had always assumed that their father was also a homozygous carrier as well because all of his female offspring have laid blue or green eggs (depending on the hen I crossed him with).

I crossed my O/O blue rooster with a leghorn hen. The result was a beautiful white with black speckled feathers, and they lay blue eggs. I kept a few and sold the other chicks. One of the people I sold them to claims that her same hen lays white eggs. Is there a possibility that this hen would lay white instead of blue? I’ve never thought to test the rooster for his blue egg traits because all of his offspring have laid the predicted colors… but maybe he could be O/o? What do you think?
Can't answer the genetics question but ask for a pic of the white eggs. I have a feeling they might be a very light blue that looks white but your customer was expecting a brighter blue.
I think you’re right.


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Can't answer the genetics question but ask for a pic of the white eggs. I have a feeling they might be a very light blue that looks white but your customer was expecting a brighter blue.
Once my brother stuck a bantam Ameraucana egg in my d'Anvers pen and I was like "this d'Anver laid an unusually white egg..." (They lay cream or offwhite usually) The lighting was poor. Never occurred to me that the egg was actually blue.
He pranked me good.
Definitely a blue egg - how could they think that’s white when it is sitting next to a much whiter egg in their hand! Genetically I think it’s very likely that your older roo is homozygous for the blue egg gene!
Definitely a blue egg - how could they think that’s white when it is sitting next to a much whiter egg in their hand! Genetically I think it’s very likely that your older roo is homozygous for the blue egg gene!
This was my picture that I just took ☺️ she doesn’t have any white-laying hens, so I think compared to her other greens this one here seems white. They are a very light blue but that’s compared to my lavender Ameraucana and one of my other crosses back to blue. Maybe I could mistake it for white if I didn’t have such white eggs from my leghorns and deathlayers.
This was my picture that I just took ☺️ she doesn’t have any white-laying hens, so I think compared to her other greens this one here seems white. They are a very light blue but that’s compared to my lavender Ameraucana and one of my other crosses back to blue. Maybe I could mistake it for white if I didn’t have such white eggs from my leghorns and deathlayers.
Oh that does make sense! It can be hard to tell if you don’t have a white egg to look at! If she holds the egg up next to something that is truly white then maybe she will be able to see the difference!
Oh that does make sense! It can be hard to tell if you don’t have a white egg to look at! If she holds the egg up next to something that is truly white then maybe she will be able to see the difference!
I’m thinking that’s what answer is. Otherwise I have a heterozygous blue rooster that’s only given me one white-laying chicken 🤣

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