Egg growth at a different rate?


9 Years
Apr 22, 2015
Reinholds, PA
I am incubating eggs. On the sixth day our electricity went out for like 12 hours. I covered the incubator with a light blanket. When the electric came back on I candled all of the twelve eggs and every one had an embryo growing.
I candled today and they seem like they are at different growth rates? Can that even be? Could the electricity outage have delayed some?
Can you see the first two pictures look significantly smaller then the last two pictures. About half of the eggs are smaller then the others
Yes I am and you are right. I have incubated so many times but it has been awhile so I'm a little less confident. I could be wrong about them being bigger and smaller. I never had the electric go out when I was incubating and for so many hours. I candled them all after the electric came back on and all twelve were alive. That was day 6.
I've often seen the same sort of difference when candling, only to have them hatch normal... so I really think it's like @horselover1999 said. Sometimes the embryo is on the opposite side of the yolk (center of the egg) and when you turn them they somehow keep that orientation even as the yolk moves to the other side.
Early on, I have trouble telling which eggs are not developing because of this very thing (embryos facing the shell are super easy).

* This is no guarantee that you don't actually have something weird going on, lol.
Since I haven't incubated in a few years I decided I didn't want the incubator I had. It held 41 eggs and was big. So I sold that and got a new little modern incubator the holds just 12 eggs but I am LOVING it! The humidity has been an almost perfect 50 the whole time. And you as the water on the outside of the incubator and do not have to open the lid. On Sat (day 18) I'll take the Turner out. I am so excited I bought a little camera I have on the eggs ( because I swear I can see the chicks moving and the eggs themselves a little bit. I don't know if I'm just crazy lol. ) but I can watch the hatch and then the chicks in the coop. I am really excited like a kid ha ha. I love new life

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