May 12, 2024 #1 L Lemon12 In the Brooder May 12, 2024 10 6 13 It's day 20 here and so far I have one egg pipped, and the rest tweeting away inside! The egg that pipped had pipped around 6 hours ago, but I haven't heard from that egg since - is that fine or should I be worried? Thank you!! X
It's day 20 here and so far I have one egg pipped, and the rest tweeting away inside! The egg that pipped had pipped around 6 hours ago, but I haven't heard from that egg since - is that fine or should I be worried? Thank you!! X
May 12, 2024 #2 sourland Broody Magician Premium Feather Member 15 Years May 3, 2009 166,258 674,179 2,287 New Jersey That all sounds normal. Good luck for a successful hatch.