Embryo dead?? Not moving, no veins, no blood ring.......


Constantly Talkin Bout Chickens
Mar 8, 2024
SE Michigan
the other day when I candled (2 days ago,) I ran across one egg that looked very odd to me.
I saw a dark blob which is the embryo of course, but the embryo was not moving at all. It had no blood ring which led me to think that it died recently. What puzzled me the most was that there were no veins at all. Like, not a single vein.
I have given it one more day, and I decided that today I will make a FINAL decision whether to throw it away or not.
I also really don't want to take the chance of throwing away an alive embryo 😢
So, what do you think? Is it probably dead? Do think I should throw it away?

Thank you!
Can you post a picture of it? It sounds like it died.
I think it may have formed a blood ring (????)
How do you think this happened?? How did it die?
I apologize for the blurry pic.

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