EMERGENCY! 2-days old chick has splayed legs and bruised


In the Brooder
Sep 13, 2023
Northern California

My chick is two days old and I just noticed this morning that it is not walking or sleeping on its feet like the others. It sleeps sitting on its butt, and whenever I try to help it seem to be in a lot of pain. Heels look bruised and swollen. Not eating or drinking.

I had planned to make a hobble for it and hope i will heal. But seeing the bruise and swell I'm not so sure what to do.

My chick is two days old and I just noticed this morning that it is not walking or sleeping on its feet like the others. It sleeps sitting on its butt, and whenever I try to help it seem to be in a lot of pain. Heels look bruised and swollen. Not eating or drinking.

I had planned to make a hobble for it and hope i will heal. But seeing the bruise and swell I'm not so sure what to do.
I had a chick who had splayed legs, we put a hobble on her. But it didn't work, so we had to to put her down. She might survive, but no Promises. Cause the same chick we had also did not want to eat or drink, But. You can try Rooster Booster, its electrolytes you put in they're water
I had a chick who had splayed legs, we put a hobble on her. But it didn't work, so we had to to put her down. She might survive, but no Promises. Cause the same chick we had also did not want to eat or drink, But. You can try Rooster Booster, its electrolytes you put in they're water
I'll look in my chicken health book irl, so if I find anything. I'll tell you
Yes, give electrolyes. Make sure she is in a warm, low stress area so that she can relax and heal.
For the bruising, arnica gel can help with pain and swelling. Look it up and you'll find some options.
Best of luck with your baby!
Do normal electrolytes work?
Probably. Rooster Booster was just Affective for us, anyways. It kinda does look like your Chick might have a Yolk Sac Infection, as a person just said (Another name for It is Mushy Hatch, Its can be caused when the Incubator is too low or too high in humidity. And other reasons), I had a Mushy Hatchling a couple times. And we had to put her down, also. Cause she wasn't eating or drinking

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