Emergency please duck egg hatch


In the Brooder
Nov 18, 2023
Hi please help I bought 12 cayuga duck eggs it is day 26 I think I only have one surviving egg it internally piped 7:30 day 25 I made a safety hole this morning and he is not hatching
Hi it has been nearly tree days since internal pip I made a hole and am treeting it like a call duck I got it from thishttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yxZLDvj5Vl4&t=390s&pp=ygUXY2FsbCBkdWNrIGhhdGNoIHByb3NzZWM%3D
Hi I woke up this morning to a beautiful little duckling is it ok to just have one

Hi have some sad news I woke up and he had passed away he had stumbled out of the heat light as it is winter in Australia it is about minus five degrees celcius 20 Fahrenheit

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