English Orpington in Oklahoma


9 Years
Oct 7, 2015
SE Oklahoma
Hello y'all! Feel free to point me in the right forum direction if this is in the wrong spot. I haven't used BYC in two years or so, so I'm a little confused on where to go now.

Long story short, I moved to Florida, sold my birds, learned I hate Florida and will be moving back to South East Oklahoma. I'm looking for anyone who breeds English Orpingtons of any color, because I love their fluffy butts.

Anyone know of anyone?
@Fallenone05 - I live in North-east Texas and am working with Silver-laced Orpingtons. They are Large Fowl and bred to English Standards. These are from the Crazy Ewe Farms line. I'm planning on working with some more colors in the future. I've tracked down a lot of breeders in Texas for Blue. Black, Splash, Lavender, and Silver-laced Orpingtons. I also know that there is a place local to me with LF English Red Orps. And I think two other colors as well.
@Fallenone05 - I live in North-east Texas and am working with Silver-laced Orpingtons. They are Large Fowl and bred to English Standards. These are from the Crazy Ewe Farms line. I'm planning on working with some more colors in the future. I've tracked down a lot of breeders in Texas for Blue. Black, Splash, Lavender, and Silver-laced Orpingtons. I also know that there is a place local to me with LF English Red Orps. And I think two other colors as well.

Oooh! Can you ship eggs? I'm a little fearful to travel 4+ hours with chickens in the back of my vehicle, especially with little water and food. I've never seen Silver-Laced Orpingtons, but they're very pretty!
Currently I only have a pair and she's on strike at the moment. I've been sourcing more breeders to expand the flock so maybe by the time you get moved I'll have enough hens laying to ship eggs.

On driving, I wouldn't worry too much about a four hour drive. It's much less stressful than shipping and they honestly wouldn't need feed or water for that short of a drive. I've driven much smaller birds longer distances with only water (sponge in bowl to cut down on splashing) and some dry pellets. Usually the birds don't eat on the drive.
Oooh! Can you ship eggs? I'm a little fearful to travel 4+ hours with chickens in the back of my vehicle, especially with little water and food. I've never seen Silver-Laced Orpingtons, but they're very pretty!
I breed Silver Laced Orpingtons. They are absolutely beautiful. My lineage is Green Fire Farms. I am in Medicine Park Oklahoma outside Fort Sill. I am often in the OKC area.
I breed Silver Laced Orpingtons. They are absolutely beautiful. My lineage is Green Fire Farms. I am in Medicine Park Oklahoma outside Fort Sill. I am often in the OKC area.

I live waaaaay out by Fort Smith, AR! Little bitty town next to Poteau, OK. :) I'd definitely be interested in some if you ever sold any!

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